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Riley was sitting on the floor in the living room of their dorm when Levi walked in. He was organizing his mixed up notes from class and had each unit in a separate pile in front of him on the floor. He was listening to Panic! At The Disco quietly while he was doing it. He was humming along to the lyrics. 

"What are you doing?" Levi asked. 
"Organizing my notes. I'll be done and out of your way soon." Riley answered quickly and he paused his music while he spoke. 
"Alright. How the hell aren't you freaking out about this round of testing? This decides if people with scholarships will get sent home. If you get less than an eighty then they terminate your scholarship." Levi said flopping on the couch. 
"I've been studying since they mentioned it and the photographic memory helps." Riley said. Levi didn't answer and Riley sat on his knees on the floor to stay out of Levi's line of sight to the TV. 
"You seem to have a lot of notes." Levi said. 
"Yeah. I don't actually need most of it though." Riley said. 
"You should go over everything. You never know what's going to be on the test." Levi said. 
"I do know what's on my test. The professor showed it to us. He just skimmed over the questions though." Riley said putting a paper in the pile furthest to his right. 
"And photographic memory, you memorized it." Levi said with a sigh. 
"Yup. Are you worried about your test?" Riley asked turning on the floor to look at Levi. He looked stressed. 
"A little." He said with a shrug. 
"Want me to make you some flashcards? It's better to start studying when you have more time then cram it all in the night before." Riley said. Levi sighed again. He does that a lot. Especially when it comes to Riley. Riley watched as Levi got up and walked away. Riley frowned a little and turned back to organizing his notes. 

Riley finished putting his now organized notes into his binder when another joined his on the floor. Riley looked up at whoever put the binder on the floor and found a bored-looking Levi. 
"There." He said and Riley smiled. Riley opened the binder and started looking through everything. 
"Why are you so eager to go through my notes?" Levi asked. 
"I don't know. It's just cool to see things that other people are doing." Riley said with a shrug and a little smile. 

Riley spent two hours reading notes and making flashcards. When he was done, his legs were numb. He moved his legs out from under him and let them rest in front of him. Levi was still watching tv. 

"Okay. I've got some flashcards written and they are your typical flashcards." Riley said looking up at Levi. Levi looked down at him and Riley started to put Levi's notes away and clean up the floor. Steve came up and rubbed against Riley. 
"Look who finally decided to get up." Riley said with a smile as he petted the cat. Steve purred and went and hopped on Levi's lap. 


Riley kept cleaning up the papers on the floor and Levi petted Stephen. Levi just wanted to hug little Riley and thank him and hold him close because Riley went on a date last night with someone who is a complete dick and Levi knows it. They went to high school together. The guy, more than likely, just wants to screw Riley and Levi knows that Riley's too innocent to understand that. That's one of the things that Levi likes about Riley. One of the many. As Riley closed Levi's binder, he did the sweetest little yawn and stood up. 
"There are some other things that I want to do to the cards tomorrow so I'm going to leave them in the kitchen." Riley said and patted Stephen's head. Damn, that was close to touching the no no zone Levi thought to himself. 
"Alright. I have class in the morning." Levi said. Riley walked to the kitchen and put the papers on the counter. When Riley turned, Levi noticed his little smile. 
"So, how was your date last night?" Levi asked. Riley walked passed him. 
"It was good. Why?" Riley asked happily. 
"Just making conversation. What did you two do?" 
"We went bowling and he kicked my behind." Riley said as he went into the bathroom. 
"Sounds like you need practice." Levi said turning so he could see Riley. 
"Yeah I do. It didn't take me long to learn how to bowl so maybe I can get some practice in to beat him." Riley said happily. 
"You've never been bowling before last night?" Levi asked. 
"Well, growing up Amish we didn't really have the opportunity to go to an alley." He said and poured some of the micellar water on a cotton pad thing to clean his face. 
"Do you miss being Amish?" Levi asked.
"No way. Mind you, there are many things that society can learn from the Amish and the Amish could learn a few things from society. But I'd never go back." Riley said. 
"I see." Levi said quietly and turned back to the TV. 

When Riley was done in the bathroom, Levi didn't even hear the blonde go into his room. He didn't notice until Stephen was meowing at Riley's door. Levi looked over and saw that Stephen was standing up against Riley's door and meowing his little head off. 
"Stephen. Leave him alone. He's trying to sleep." Levi said and watched the cat. The cat looked at him with a pleading look. Psh. and people say cats don't have facial expressions. Levi got up and Stephen kept meowing as if to say hurry the fuck up human and Levi sighed. He padded to Riley's door and opened it quietly. He saw a little lump on Riley's bed and the cat bolted to him and cuddled up against Riley's stomach. Stephen fit perfectly where the blanket went back onto the bed and outlined Riley's little body. When the blanket was tighter around Riley, Levi noticed how thin he really is. Riley usually wears bigger shirts and his jeans aren't super tight. Levi watched Riley for a few seconds and went over to his dresser and checked the size of his pants. They're a small. Levi went to the closet and found the door open. He checked the smallest shirt he saw. Also a small. And this one is still baggy. He checked another shirt that's more fitted on him and found it to have no tags. 

"Levi?" A little voice asked. Levi spun around and saw Riley sitting up in bed and rubbing his eye. 
"Go back to sleep." Levi said softly. 
"Why are you in here?" Riley asked. 
"Letting the cat in. Goodnight." Levi said and basically ran out of his room. He left the door open a little for the cat and went and turned all the lights off and went to bed. 

In the morning, Levi got up and got ready for class. He didn't wake Riley up because Riley doesn't need to get up today. Levi went to the door and noticed a pair of Riley's shoes missing. And his backpack. Levi sighed and went to class. 

When he got back, he noticed a little box on the coffee table. Levi went to go and look, putting his bag on the couch beside him as he sat down. The box had a sticky note on the box that said Levi's Study Box with a little smiley face on it. Riley's personal touch. How sweet. Levi thought to himself with a little smile. He opened the box and found little book looking things inside with questions written on the front and he discovered the answers on the inside. They were colour coded by unit and the units and colours were on the inside of the lid. Levi smiled at the thought that Riley put into it. The door opened and in walked a Riley who Levi almost didn't recognize. He looked like he could cry at any second. Levi stood up and went to the door. 

"Riley. Can we just talk? That's not all that I want from you." A guy called after him. It was the guy that Riley was dating. Riley looked up at Levi with big, watery, scared, hurt eyes and Levi did what he thought of first. He reached out and hugged Riley. Tight and securely. Levi made eye contact with the other guy, put a hand on the back of Riley's head and shut the door. 

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