One Of Many Mornings

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Oh, jheeze. It's been a long time since I've updated anything with these two and I'm sorry about that. I have an Instagram that I post the little updates that I do, I also have a tellonmy its, if you have questions for me/comments/concerns/hopes for future chapters, and responses will be posted on the Instagram story within 24 hours. But regardless, enjoy the chapter :)

Levi yawned and hugged the person who he never thought would be there to hug. Riley has been his personal radiator for a month now and Levi never in a million years thought that Riley would give him a chance. When he felt the light pressure of the hug, Riley tucked his head in closer to Levi and moved a little to be able to have more contact with Levi. 
"You're so precious," Levi commented with a smile as he put his hand on the back of Riley's head. 

Levi put one hand on Riley's hip and felt the soft, warm exposed skin under the blanket and gently slid his hand into Riley's shirt and rested his hand on Riley. He discovered a long time ago that Riley has really soft skin and he's always so warm. Riley's frame fits so perfectly against him and every time that Riley hugs or cuddles Levi, Levi can't help but feel like that is exactly where Riley belongs. He thinks that they are meant to be. They're both so happy and they're glad that they aren't alone. Levi rolled a little so then his little sleeping angel was on his back, and Levi kissed Riley's shoulder over his shirt and his neck and his cheek. Riley mumbled a little in his sleep and reached out for Levi and Levi's heart melted. Levi laid back down with Riley and Riley tucked himself back against Levi and continued sleeping. 

Levi hummed to himself and Riley moved so his chest was flat against Levi's. Levi didn't notice at first but then he felt lips pressed to his chest. 
"Good morning baby," Levi said. 
"Morning," Riley said, voice muffled against Levi's chest. 
"Is it awake time?" Levi asked. 
"No," Riley said and tried to go back to sleep. 
"Aww come on sweetheart. Come with me and I'll make you breakfast," Levi said and Riley looked up at him. Face lightly blushed from sleeping, hair fuzzy and all over the place, eyes happy and his lips pulling into a little smile. 
"Really?" Riley asked. 
"Really," Levi said. The two got up and Riley went to the washroom and when he was brushing his teeth, Levi walked in. Levi smiled and hugged his still half asleep Riley while they brushed their teeth together. After that, Riley sat on the counter beside the stove while Levi made bacon and eggs. Riley moved to the table and Levi had both plates in his hands. He held one out to Riley and before Riley could take it Levi moved it out of reach with a smile and Riley pouted. 

"Don't you know the rule?" Levi asked. 
"What rule?" Riley asked. That confused him. There's never been a rule to getting a plate of food. Has there?
"You have to kiss the chef," Levi said and Riley smiled and kissed Levi. Levi slid the plate onto the table and sat down beside Riley. 

Levi looked at Riley as he finished his last piece of bacon and Riley looked up at him. 
"Hi," Riley said quietly. 
"Can I ask you a question?" Levi asked. 
"Of course," Riley said and ate some more of his scrambled eggs. 
"Would you stay with me forever? I know it sounds cheesy but I honestly don't know what I'd do if you left," Levi said and Riley's heart melted a little bit. 
"I would. Would you stay with me?" Riley asked and Levi chuckled a little bit. 
"Isn't that how this works? If you're with me then I'm with you," He said with a smile and Riley chuckled too. 
"I suppose it is," Riley said and kept eating. 

The two will go on to spend many years together. Both will graduate. They'll find a little house together. Get married and spend their days as happy as ever. 

It really is a Disney perfect happily ever after. 

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