Drummer Boy

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Riley was getting the uniform he was told to wear on for the local Scottish Games where his regiment's band is going to be featured in the massed band. He had his red short sleeve button down uniform shirt, his black suit vest, his Glen, his red and black tartan kilt, high socks and the fancy shoes they need to wear when the door opened. Riley was tieing his shoe. 

"What are you wearing?" Levi's voice asked. 
"Uniform." Riley said happily and finished tieing his shoe. He put his foot back on the ground and got his phone. 
"For what?" 
"The Scottish games." 
"Oh." Levi said. There was a knock at the door. 
"That'll be Callum." Riley said and got his drumsticks. Levi turned and went to the door. Riley watched as Levi opened the door. 


Levi opened the door and saw someone about his height standing there in a similar uniform. The dude looked familiar. Levi thought he had psych with this Callum dude. Levi felt a need to physically stay between Riley and Callum. He wasn't sure why but he did. Levi isn't sure of his feelings to the smaller, obnoxiously happy male but he does feel like his job is to protect Riley. He's not sure why but he's going to protect the innocent little human for as long as he can. 
"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong dorm. I'm looking for Riley Holmes?" The dude asked. 
"Are you Callum?" Levi asked in a bored tone. 
"I am." Callum responded. Callum sounded a little confused. 
"Alright." Levi replied and looked back at Riley who was standing in the doorway of his room with his drumsticks in his hands and watching the two at the door with his big green eyes. Riley started walking towards them and Levi moved a little so then Riley could just get passed him. Riley got out into the hall and Callum put his arm around Riley's shoulders. 
"Hey, Levi right?" Callum asked. 
"Have fun." Levi said sarcastically and started to close the door. The door was just about closed when "Do you want to come?" filled the air. 


"Do you want to come?" Riley asked in a little panic, trying to get the words out before the door shut. The door paused. 
"I have stuff to do." Was the response that Levi gave before the door shut. Riley's chest deflated. 
"O-oh." Riley said looking at the door. 
"Hey, we have to go." Callum said quietly and the two left. 

When they pulled up to the field where the games are being held, Riley didn't want to get out of the car. 
"Riley. He's a jerk. You've done this a million times." Callum said and looked at Riley. 
"I know. I just thought that we were getting to be friends but I guess not." Riley said and played with his drumsticks. 
"I'm sorry but in the city, you can't be friends with everyone. Don't hurt yourself trying to make friends with him." Callum said. Riley sighed and got out of the vehicle. They went to find their regiment to get their instruments. 

When they finished their round of practicing, Riley put his drum on the ground and stood up. 
"The guy at the Spanky's food truck said you like this." Levi's voice said from behind Riley. Riley turned his head and saw a small take-out box in Levi's hand. 
"I thought you weren't coming?" Riley said turning to Levi. 
"I never said that I wasn't coming, I said I had stuff to do. Now eat." Levi said. Riley looked to the major that came with them. 
"Major Turcott?" Riley called out. 
"Yes, Holmes?" The man replied. 
"How long do we have until we perform?" Riley asked. 
"About an hour." Major Turcott responded. 
"Can I take him for about forty-five minutes?" Levi asked. 
"Yeah. Be back in forty-five to fifty minutes and Holmes?" Turcott said looking at Riley. 
"Sir?" Riley replied. 
"Don't lose your sticks, take off your headdress and eat something." He said and turned away. Riley put the drumsticks in his socks and took off his headdress. Riley tucked his Glen into the bottom of his vest and the top of his kilt. The two went to a nearby picnic table and the box holding the poutine looked much bigger in Riley's small hands. 
"Here's your fork." Levi said as he sat down. Riley took it and noticed that he was wearing all black. 
"You're going to die of heat." Riley said opening the box. 
"I'm not." Levi said in a bored tone. 
"Don't complain to me when you have heat stroke then." Riley said and grabbed some fries with his fork. As they ate, Riley had a feeling in his chest but he doesn't know what to call it. He was happy that Levi showed up but it still hurt him that Levi had just shut the door while he talked and Riley feels bad for being a little mad that Levi didn't even seem to consider accepting the invite. 

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