The Next Day

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Riley woke up feeling happy and warm. He noticed a weight on his stomach and went to pet it. Steve started to purr and Riley took a deep breath and his nose was flooded with Levi's scent. Riley opened his eyes and noticed that he was in Levi's room. In Levi's bed. Alone. But fully dressed. Steve got up and left out the slightly open door and Riley stayed on the bed and listened. He didn't hear the tv. He didn't hear Levi at all. Riley quietly got up and left Levi's room. 

"What did I say last night?" Levi asked, "Must have been good to get you in bed." Levi said from the couch. Riley smiled and looked at Levi. 
"You know what you said silly." Riley said and watched Levi's face. 
"No, I really don't." Levi said in a flat tone. That sent a shot of pain through Riley's chest and his smile dropped. 
"Oh. N-never mind then." Riley said quietly and turned to go to his room. 
"Come on Riley, what did I say? I really want to know." Levi said and that hurt Riley more. 
"It's fine. You were drunk. You didn't mean it." Riley said and went in his room. 


The blonde's door shut and Levi couldn't help but feel all kinds of guilty. He had woken up to the beautiful sight of Riley in his bed with Stephen cuddled up with them. Riley looked happy and peaceful and Levi didn't want to wake Riley up but he had to pee. It had taken him a whole of ten minutes to get up without waking Riley up. Levi had no idea why Riley was in his bed. He didn't even remember coming home. The last thing that the raven remembered was playing beer pong at the party. Levi had meant the first comment as a joke hoping that Riley would just say what Levi did but nope. Not that easy. It's never that easy. Levi should know better and he cursed himself for forgetting that. Levi stayed in the living room all day waiting for Riley to come out but when he didn't, not once by about two in the afternoon, Levi decided to make food. Riley doesn't eat when he's upset or stressed. Levi worries about the tiny human. 

When the grilled cheese was done, he put one on a plate for Riley, knowing full well that he's probably not going to eat it, but it's the thought that counts. Levi royally messed up and he hurt Riley. Levi wasn't sure that he'd come back from this. It took Riley about a month to actually talk to Levi after the first day and Levi just screwed that up. Levi tapped on Riley's door with his knuckle and when there was to answer, he opened the door. Stephen dashed in and curled up with a sleeping Riley. His room was dark because of his blackout curtains. He leaves them open during the day. There was a beam of light coming in through the little gap between the two curtains and it lit up a little path of dry tears on Riley's cheeks. What the hell happened last night? Levi thought to himself and sat on Riley's bed. Levi gently woke Riley up and he got a flash image of him hugging Riley last night and when Riley sturred, the image was gone. 
"L-Levi?" Riley asked quietly. 
"I made food. You should eat." Levi replied quietly. 
"What kind of food?" Riley asked. Levi always found it adorable that Riley's mood could change at the mention of food. 
"Grilled cheese. I'll leave it on your desk for you." Levi said and stood. Riley didn't stop him as he left and shut the door behind him and Levi was really hoping that Riley would stop him. But, Riley didn't. 

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