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Levi's Acid Trip Chapter

Riley went on the weekend wreckie two weeks ago and since he got back, Riley hasn't interacted much with Levi. It's a Tuesday evening and Levi can hear him quietly tapping away on his drum pad in his room. 

Levi went to the kitchen and took a quick shot before returning to his school work. He leaned on the counter and looked at the table. He got a flash of Riley tucked up with his laptop on the chair and his head turned towards the door with a smile. 
"How was the party?" Riley asked. 
"It was good," Levi's voice replied. 
"What happened to your hand?" Riley asked. 
"You haven't been the same since that
dick broke your pretty little heart so I made sure he wouldn't do it again," Levi's voice replied. Levi shook his head and thought what the hell was that? Levi went back into the living room and kept working on his assignment. He happened to look up and his eyes caught the box of flashcards that saved him from failing his exam. 
"Do you know what I want?" Levi's voice asked. 
"Food?" Riley replied. 
"You." Levi's voice followed.
Levi looked at Riley's door and saw shadows moving under the door that looks like Riley walking around. Levi turned around and tried his hardest to focus on what he was doing. Riley's smile, Riley's eyes, Riley's voice, Riley. Riley invaded his thoughts. Flashes of Riley smiling. A flash of Riley coming into the dorm drenched from the rain. Riley's sad eyes. The feeling of Riley in his arms from that one night. 
"I want to see you in my shirts and sweaters. I want you," Levi's voice filled his head. There was another flash of Riley sitting in the chair with his knees to his chest, arms hugging his legs, face red with a furious blush and a small smile. 

Riley's door opened and Levi looked at the blonde in the doorway. Riley looks confused to him. 
"Are you okay?" Riley asked. 
"Yeah," Levi replied quickly and turned back to his work. He didn't bother to pay any more attention to Riley between his room and the bathroom but when Levi heard Riley's door close he wanted to go over and open it. He's tired of boundaries between him and Riley. Levi knows that he's set some of them and he's been mean to the one person that doesn't deserve it but he's tired of it. Seeing Riley at the festival in his uniform with his drum and playing and being so proud to be out there made Levi happy to see. He's been trying to protect the smaller from the people who have hurt him. Like that dick Jeremy. Levi got drunk at the party and bashed his teeth in for bragging about his body count and counting Riley. It got Levi unbelievably mad. Levi just wants to hug Riley. Have fun together. Along with other things but those can wait. Levi looked up at the black TV screen and another scene played out in his mind, showing up on the TV. Riley standing at the alter holding some blurry man's hands. Riley in a white suit and the blurry human in a black one. A blue flower pinned to his chest and a fake smile on his face. Levi was sitting behind two rows of people in green uniforms with no specific details on Riley's side of the church. 

"If anyone objects to the joining of blah blah and Riley Holmes, speak now or forever hold your peace," The pastor said. Riley looked into Levi's eyes with a pleading look. Levi stood up. 
"I object," Levi said and the church gasped together and a man in the front row turned around and smiled. 
"Thank god," He said and Levi kept his eyes on Riley who was smiling for real now.
"Tsk. Whatever," The blurry man said and left Riley. People from Riley's side were congratulating Levi on his courage to end something no one liked but he didn't pay attention to them. His eyes stayed on Riley. 

Curse his handsome fucking face Levi thought to himself and looked back at Riley's door. Here goes everything. 

Levi got up, went to Riley's bedroom door, took a deep breath and readied himself to knock. 

A/N: Levi didn't take any acid btw 

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