Fever Dreams

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Riley's POV

It was either late at night or early in the morning. Riley didn't know. All he knew at the time were three things. Don't wake up Levi. Don't kick the cat. Make it to the bathroom. So, that's what he went to do. He succeded in the last two and he thought that he got the first one down too but no. His guts turned themselves inside out and their contents came out. He threw up for ten minutes. He blamed it on the darn Chinese food from dinner. It's been about a week since Levi confessed his "feelings" about Riley and Riley has been avoiding Levi. As well as you can avoid your roommate. He even stayed in Callum's dorm. Twice. Guilt from that made Riley vomit more. All the food from his latest meal ended up leaving his body. He hadn't eaten much all week. He was too focused on not letting drunk Levi get to him and school that he neglected to take care of himself.

Riley flushed the toilet and stayed on the floor near it. He used a little bit of toilet paper to wipe his mouth and put that in the toilet.
"Don't tell me you decided to clean the toilet at two in the morning." Levi's voice asked. It was a little gruff from not being used and Riley shivered a little.
"I didn't." Riley said standing up.
"Then what are you doing?" Levi asked. Riley knew that Levi knew the answer.
"Nothing." Riley said quietly and tried to get passed Levi. Levi didn't move.
"Well you see. That's not true. You've been avoiding me all week, you stayed somewhere else twice and I still don't know why you're hurting." He said and Riley imagined that he had his arms crossed.
"It doesn't matter. Can you move so I can go back to sleep?" Riley asked looking down.
"That's where you're wrong. It does matter." Levi said.
"Because I care about what's bothering you and I worry when you don't come back for the night. No offence but you can't really defend yourself." Levi said in a stern tone. Riley was about to answer but he was cut off by a cough attack.
"I'll get you the cough syrup." Levi said and walked away. Riley had stopped coughing and started to sneak back into his room. He just about got in when he walked into something.
"Ah ah, you're sick and you haven't told me what's hurting you." Levi said and Riley gasped. He took a step back from Levi's dark outline. To Riley, he looked scary in the dark. Levi looked bigger and dangerous and Riley's instincts told him to run but Riley froze in place.

"Oh, I see. It doesn't hurt you that I said what I did. It hurts you that I don't remember." Levi said and took a step closer to Riley. Riley took a step back. Every time Levi took a step forward, Riley took a step back. Until his back hit a wall.
"What did I say to you Riley. Was it bad? Although seeing you when you woke up in my bed, you looked happy. Did I take you as mine?" Levi whispered into Riley's ear. He squeezed his eyes shut.
"Y-you said," Riley started but stopped when he felt Levi's warm breath on the skin of his neck.
"Yeah?" Levi whispered.
"You said that you l-love me." Riley said and pressed against the wall more.
"I did?" Levi asked. Riley felt Levi move away from him.
"Y-you were drunk. You probably didn't mean it." Riley said quietly. Riley jumped a little at the feeling of hands on both sides of his face.
"Riley, I meant it." Levi said softly. Riley opened his eyes and looked up at Levi.
"How could you mean it? You didn't remember it happening and we never spend time together." Riley whispered. Levi sighed.

Then the worst thing that could ever happen happened. Riley woke up in a cold sweat.

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