The First Appointment

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Riley had booked an appointment with Dr. Salvatore when he got the card last week and since classes start next week, Riley figured he better talk with her sooner rather than later. 

Riley walked up to the doors of the building where Dr. Salvatore's office is. He put his hand on the door and it opened from the other side. It hit the toe of Riley's shoe and the person on the other side of the door pulled the door back and Riley took a step back. The person tried the door again and came out. 
"I'm so sorry, I didn't think that anyone was there, are you okay?" He asked. The brunette is about the same towering height that the raven is and about the same muscle mass. Maybe more. 
"It's okay, I'm okay." Riley said looking up into warm brown eyes. The other smiled. 
"Good. I'm Callum by the way." He said and held out his hand. 
"I'm Riley, and I can't help but notice your fifteen ninety-six regiment shirt. May I ask your last name?" Riley asked as he shook Callum's hand. 
"Jensen. Now that I think about it, I think I've seen you around the regiment." Callum said. 
"Yeah! I go with band every now and then!" 
"Oh yeah! I thought you looked familiar. I have to go but it was nice to meet you, Riley! I hope we can meet again." Callum said. 
"Yeah! Uh, see you later I guess!" Riley said with a sweet smile. Callum walked away and Riley went inside. 

After about ten minutes of playing on his phone, Dr. Salvatore came out. 
"Hey Riley, come with me." She said and Riley stood and put his phone away. They walked into a strange smelling hallway. They reached a door and entered. 
"This is my office, I apologize for the smell in the hallway. There's some construction and stuff going on downstairs and one of the doctors has an essential oil defuser or something to help the construction workers. I'm not fully sure as to why the defuser is on but my office smells better." She said as they entered. She's right, her office smelled much better. Like roses. The scent was soft and Riley likes it. 

"So, I'm sure you know why you're here but I don't know exactly why you're here. I know this is a little early but would you please explain?" She asked as they took a seat. 
"So like, my life story?" Riley asked. 
The doctor responded with a "Yes," as she pulled out a notebook and a pen. This is Riley's first time going to someone like doctor Salvatore and he's not sure what she's going to write down. 
"There isn't much to tell you." Riley said quietly. 
"Okay, then I'll ask you questions and you try your best to answer them okay?" She asked. To Riley, she sounded like she was talking to a scared child. 
"Do you have any siblings?" She asked. 
"No. It's just my dad and I." 
"Any aunts, uncles, cousins?" 
"Have you experienced any traumas throughout your life?" 
"Having my entire family die, three of four schools that I've been to have been shot up and my best friend killed himself around exam time in grade 12." Riley blurted. He didn't mean to. He didn't want to but his body shot it out. Riley slapped a hand to his mouth and his eyes teared up a little as images from the shootings and finding his friend. 
"Hey, thank you for telling me. Those things aren't easy to deal with and you're only what? Eighteen?" Dr. Salvatore asked. Riley nodded, not trusting his voice. 

They talked about somethings and Dr. Salvatore said that she'd help Riley. She'd help him not be scared to open the closet door, not fear going to class and working on little things. Riley figures that Dr. Salvatore is really going to try and help him. 

Riley went back to his dorm room and opened the door. He saw the raven, he has yet to learn the name of, sitting on the floor with a maine coon cat. The cat is black and massive. 
"Steve I swear to god." The raven said and the cat ran to Riley as he shut the door. 
"Stephen!" The raven's voice boomed and Riley tensed and pressed against the door. 
"Oh. I didn't know you came in. That's Stephen. I hope you don't mind that I have him for a little while. It was a last minute arrangement." The raven said and Steve stood up on his back legs and used Riley's leg to prop himself up. Riley looked down at the black cat and smiled a little. Riley patted his head a few times and the cat ran off. 
"I'm surprised he didn't bit you. That fucker can be vicious." The raven said and leaned on the front of the couch. 
"I see. He's fine. I like cats." Riley said and started to cross the dorm to get to his room when he was stopped by a knock at the door. Riley turned to get it but the raven walked passed him and opened the door. 

"Hey, sorry to bother you but do you happen to have an extra iPhone charger laying around that I could borrow? I just moved in and can't find mine." The ginger at the door asked. 
"No." The raven said and went to shut the door. 
"I have one you can borrow!" Riley said and the raven stopped and turned to Riley. Riley went to his room and got a cord. 
"Do you need a block too?" Riley asked. 
"No, I have one." The ginger said. 
"Okay." Riley said, located the cord and went back to the door. The raven hadn't moved out of the doorway and as Riley approached, he didn't move. 
"May you please move?" Riley asked. He looked down at Riley. 
"No, where's the cord?" The raven asked quietly. 
"In my hand?" Riley replied. 
"Give it to me." The raven said holding out a hand. The ginger boy wasn't looking at the two. Riley cautiously put the cord in the raven's hand. 
"Here you go." The raven said and the ginger took it. 
The stranger started to say "Thank you" but was cut off by the door closing. 
"That was a little rude." Riley said watching the raven. 
"I'm a rude person." He responded. 
"You could've at least let me give it to him. We could have made friends with someone in the building." Riley said and went to the kitchen. 
"He's not someone that you should be friends with." The raven said. 
"What's your name." Riley said quietly. 
"What's your name? You never told me." Riley said looking into the raven's eyes. Riley felt a little uncomfortable looking into the greyish looking blue eyes. 
"Levi. Levi Clarke." The ra- Levi said. 

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