Small Panic

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Two weeks later, Riley woke up to his alarm. He jumped up and turned it off in an attempt not to wake Levi. Jamie would be at the door in thirty minutes with no care if he woke Levi. Riley snuck around the dorm and went to the bathroom, made a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich and went back to his room to snuggle Steve. With ten minutes left, Riley got up and changed into his field training uniform. He's going with the local army cadet core as well as some officers from the regiment. He's going to be with the cadet band all weekend. He gave Steve one last scratch behind the ear and got his keys, phone and last little things to go in his bag. Jamie already has Riley's drum. Riley got his bag and went out the door. 

"Oh good. You're on time. Let's go." Jamie said and they left. It was still dark out seeing as though it's 5:30am. 


Levi woke up to Steven meowing bloody murder in his ear. 
"I fed you before I went to bed. What the fuck do you want?" Levi groaned. MEOW! 
"Ugh. What." Levi replied. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 5:43am. MEOW!! 
"Is it Riley?" Levi asked. MEEEOOOOOW! Levi sat up and went to go check Riley's room. Nothing. Bathroom, nothing. Kitchen, nothing. 
"Riley?" Levi asked out loud. He went to check the shoes. Both of Riley's shoes are there. 
"Riley!" Levi called out again. No reply. Levi flipped the lights on in Riley's room and looked everywhere that the small human could fit. Nothing. He searched the rest of the apartment-sized dorm and found nothing. There was evidence that Riley was there. The knife with peanut butter on it showed that much but from there? Levi had no idea. He ran a hand through his messy dark hair and went for his phone. He dialled Riley.

"Hello." A voice that isn't Riley's answered. Levi felt a shot of anger go through him before he heard the noise of a drumpad being played on. 
"Hey, can I talk to Holmes?" Levi asked. 
"He's currently sleeping. Maybe try back in a few hours." The man said. 
"I will, but where are you heading?" I asked. 
"Some cadet thing. Don't ask why we are going up at this hour. I don't think even god knows why." He said. 
"Why'd you sign up if you didn't want to go at this hour. It's not like they didn't tell us." A voice said in the background. 
"Shut it Karley." He said, "Alright, if you want to talk to Riley, call back in a few hours. Probably closer to nine." 
"Okay, bye." Levi said and hung up. Well, at least he's safe Levi thought. He turned off all the lights and went back to bed. 

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