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Katuki's pov:

"How many times I said clean my guns EVERYDAY!? WHY YOU ALL ACT LIKE IDIOTS!? I HAVE HIRED YOU TO HELP ME NOT TO DISOBEY ME!" I rubbed my temples as I tried to calm myself down. The servant who was responsible with my weapons was suppose to clean them everyday which she didn't do it. She is like my personal servant but now, I really don't need her as my personal servant. It is not just the fact that she didn't clean my weapons. I had seen her being rather too touchy with me. At first, I didn't mind it and thought nothing of it. Besides, girls don't impress me either. Though, it started to get more intense. She would brush her finger time to time whenever she served me coffee. Argh whatever- she is pissing me off and I don't need her.

"I'm so so sorry master. I was cleaning t..."

"SHUT UP URARAKA AND GET OUT. NOW!" She bowed before she stormed out of the room. I sat on my chair as I held my head with my hands, elbows on the desk. 'Why can't I have so PEACE!? Everyone seems to want to piss me off or annoy the shit out of me.'


The knocking made me snap out of my thoughts which only made let out a long sigh."Who is it?" I said without raising my head and having my back pressed against the chair and rubbing my head.

"Em I-I'm t-the n-new s-servant s-sir." The voice was somehow, nice and soft but low. I could barely make out what they said.

"Come in, and close the door behind." I heard the door open and closed. "Come closer." I said as I slowly raised my head to see who was this servant. I don't remember hiring one but fuck it. What I saw, made my heart skip a beat. There was a boy with mid-length half white and half red hair which was covering his face a bit, pale skin with a light shade of blush on his cheeks, mismatched eye colour one grey and the other the colour of sea. He was around 5'5 by the looks of it while wearing a maid dress which made my nose ALMOST bleed. Just why a maid dress- I could feel my cheeks were getting hotter so, so I had no choice to covere it with one hand and my eyes on the short male in front. My eyes drafted up and down on him which he seemed to notice it yet, I did not show much emotion and stayed confident enough to speak again.

"Introduce yourself AND explain why you are wearing...this." I pointed the dress as I was a bit annoyed. Not annoyed, but acting annoyed. 'I have never felt a feeling like this. What is this? Am I dying or some shit?? Maybe I'm just overreacting or something...fuck'

"M-my name is ShotoTodoroki. I am 18 and the maid said that t-there is no suit left, only this was available, master. I hope it would cause trouble for you sir" He said, with a small smile on his face. The smile on his face sits differently than how he entered the room. And for the dress; it's way too short. Barely covering his thighs. It has no sleeves but a white  apron on the skirt part. 'It's too short. Even for a guy like him. Was these dress always like this? I never noticed though. Maybe I didn't care when the maids wore em.' Withing thinking, I shrugged and looked back at him.

" Sigh it's okay Shoto, you can start your job from now. You can go now and tell Momo to show you your room and tell you the rules. You are dismissed. I will also inform her to give you some extra pair of clothes" He bowed and he turned on his heels and headed to the door. "Wait." I said which made him stop and  turned his head back to face me. I let out a long sigh as I opened my drawer and took out a hair band. Gesturing him to come towards me which he obeyed and walked to me and I lend him the hair band, slightly leaned on the desk so he would have to come closer. He hesitated at first but took it. Guess that caught him off guard a little ha? It made me chuckle and leaning back against my chair again, with my fingers intertwined and placing my elbows on the armchair.

"Tie your hair. You won't be able to see with those bangs of yours." I said, allowing myself to let out a small chuckle and a faint smirk forming on the corner of my lips.

"Oh okay master. Sorry." He bowed slightly before stanind up, pulling his hair up to a bit messy ponytail with a few strands hanging out. Now I can see his damn face. The scar on his left cheek and eye, his heterochromia eyes and small face. Damn it. Why am I paying too much attention to his features now? He bowed once again and walked out the room leaving me with my thoughts. Which didn't last long thanks to the sudden phone call. RING RING. My phone rang in my pocket. The vibrations made me curse under my breath but I it took out to see who was calling me. Not much surprised to see who was calling me. Shitty hair. Letting out a groan, running a hand through my ash blonde hair as I answered.

"What do you want? I'm kinda not in the moodbShitty hair!"

-Hey bro! You are never in a mood! Anyways, me and others are coming to see you! We got some news that we want to share with you. 

"Hmm, fine. What kind of news? Shitty news?"

-No bro. It's serious, it's about Izuku's gang...

Hope you enjoyed this first part! Prologue I mean heheh....


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