Chapter 13

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Shoto's pov:

'A month has passed since the day me and Master...KISSED! EEE! I STILL CAN'T FORGET HOW SOFT HIS LIPS WERE! No no no no! Stop THINKING ABOUT IT! Ever since then, things were a little bit awkward. He's been a bit nicer to others and he yells less anddd...he forces me to go wherever he goes. On that day that we KISSED, he took me to a restaurant and he paid for EVERYTHING THAT HE HAD ORDERED! I still don't know why he took me there but, I'm not sayin that I didn't enjoy it. It was a bit...weird of him. He even asked me multiple times "Did that Deku do anything to you?". I told him that he didn't do anything just tied me by force. And I struggled for sure. He was...worried. Today, Master's friends are coming. I'm preparing tea and coffee for the guests. He said there would be only three person. Four with Master. Master just like always ordered bitter coffee and they would like tea as far as I know. I have wore a maid dress since my other suits were in the washing machine. It's not like I hate wearing maid dress! '

"Argh! It's really annoying to see you in a maid dress. You are a cross dresser! Blugh! Gross!" I turned to see Uraraka who had an unhappy face. 'Why is she always so mean to me? Is it because she used to be Master's ex-maid? She might be jealous of me I guess! 'I rolled my eyes. I was pouring the hot coffee in the mug when a hand slapped mine. As a result, the hot coffee was poured on my hand and I accidentally dropped the mug on the floor.

"Tsk, you are so clumsy too! I don't know why he choose you instead of me! Looser!" She tugged my hair and I winced. "How about you clean it before Master Bakugo gets mad~". She chuckled as she let go of my hair as she laughed. She walked out like nothing happened. 'My hand hurts so much, it's burning.' I let out a sigh as I bend down to pick up the broken pieces of the mug. As I was picking up the pieces, one of them sliced my right palm.

"Oww. This is so annoying!" I ignored the bleeding and finished cleaning the mess. I was washing my bloody hand when I heard someone walking in the kitchen. I didn't look who it was. I placed the mugs on the tray and poured tea and thanks to that BITCH, I made another coffee. Luckily, the water was still hot for the coffee.

"Shoto! The guests have arrived." It was Momo. She said as she walked out. I looked at my hand which was red and it was still bleeding. 'DAMN THIS! I need to wrap it before the bleeding get worse! ' I managed to find a bandage and I wrapped it around my palm. I was about to pick up the tray when a hand tugged my hair.

"Careful not to trip this time whore~!" I turned my head to face Uraraka. I had an annoyed look and my eyes were narrowed.

"Could you let go off me, bitch? You are pissing me off!" She hissed in anger. She removed her hand and stormed out of the kitchen. 'Jeeesh! She is so annoying! What a pain in the ass! 'I picked up the tray. A sudden pain in my wounded hand made me wince. 'This is going to be so frustrating! ' I took a deep breath and headed to Master's office. As I entered, I saw Master who was sitting on his chair,Sero and Kaminari were sitting next to each other on the sofa. Although, Kaminari was holding a small child with yellow hair that has black in some parts.

"Oh hi Shoto! This is Sam, me and Hanta's son." Kaminari said. Sam waved at me which made me smile. I walked closer to the coffee table and placed the tray on in. I turned to see Sero with a questioned look. I think it's because of my dress. I blushed a little when I realized that Master was looking at my legs. Mostly my hips?' KIYAA! 'I turned to see Sam who was looking at me with a cute smile. 'Have to say, I really love kids! BUT THIS ONE IS WAAAAY CUTE! I WANT TO SQUEEZE HIM! Wait. . .Kaminari and Sero...are they...married? THEY ARE GAY!! EEEEE I'M SO EXCITED!  This is so cuteeee~!'

-You look preeeetyyy! He said as he swung his arms around. I blushed even more. I pecked Sam's nose which made him giggle.

"M-may I h-hold him?" I asked and looked at Kaminari.

"Of course! Why not! He seems to like you. He usually doesn't like anyone in here!" Sam opened his arms and I bend down to pick him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I held his waist with my hands. I winced when I realize that my hand is hurt. 'Great. . .just great. Killed the mood.'

"Are you okay? Is he heavy?" Kaminari asked worriedly. I shacked my head as I smiled. I had forgotten to tie my hair and it seems to be the reason that Sam was looking at my face.

"You have prettyyy hair too!" He held some of my hair with his tiny hand and looked at it with his eyes sparkling curly. I yelped when he pulled it but giggle at Sam's cute reaction towards my hair. ' He is so cute! He looks like Kaminari. Awww I like him! '


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