Chapter 16

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Katsuki's pov:

I took out my phone and dialed Kaminari.

-BAKUGO! What happened? How is he? Is he going to be...

"Come to the hospital, now. I'm going to take him home."


"Listen, I'll explain okay! I know he is in no condition to mov..." I couldn't finish because I heard crying. I turned to see Shoto who was clutching his side. His face in pain as he was whispering. "Just come please!! Come quick"

-*Sigh* fine. I'll call Chiyo ( Recovery Girl but she is not old in this LOL! And she is not that short!)  to come here. He hung up the phone. Shoto was still holding my hand and he was squeezing it. 'Have to hurts a bit. Was he this strong? No, now's not the time to think. But I know he is strong...'

"Shoto, what's wrong? Does it hurt that bad? Do you want me to call th..."

"*Sniffle* K-katsuki..." The way he said my name, with that broken voice of his and the fresh tears forming in his eyes, it made my heart shatter into pieces. Tears were falling from his pretty eyes. I leaned to his face and pressed my forehead into his. I kissed his eyes with his long eyelashes.

"Shh...I'm here. Just wait a little, okay? I know it hurts babe." I patted his head and kissed his hand. I saw bandages on his right palm which I didn't see it earlier.' When did he get this? '. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I picked it up.

-We are waiting outside the hospital. Do you need us to come in to help you?

"No no. I'll be there." I hung up. I took out the IV from his hand as he winced in response.

"Sorry. Shoto, they're here. I have to pick you up okay?" He slowly nodded. I leaned down as he opened his arms. I smiled as he wrapped his small arms around my neck and removed the covers.

"Arghh!" He moaned in pain.

"Take it easy babe! You don't want to open your stiches, do you?" He shacked his head with tears falling from his eyes. I held his head into my neck. I placed my hand under his knees. I could feel his body shaking while his tears were falling on my neck and shirt. He whined and he pressed his head further into my neck.

"I'm gonna pick you up Shoto. I'll do it carefully but just in case if it hurts, bite my neck as hard as you want. Don't think about be getting hurt, okay?" He nodded slightly. I took a deep breath as I slowly and carefully picked him up. He whine and bite my neck. 'But not to hard which I'm guessing that he is holding back.' I waited for a few seconds to let him relax in my arms. He gave me a small nod and I slowly headed towards the door, and left the room. Shoto was still whining as well as biting my neck a bit harder than before. As we exited the hospital, I saw Kaminari and Sero waiting outside of the car. I walked to them. As soon as Kaminari saw me, he opened the backdoor.

"Is he okay?" Kaminari asked.

"He's in pain. Have you called Chiyo?"

"Yeah, she said she will be there in five minutes." I nodded. I slowly bend down to sit in the car. Shoto whined as he bite harder which made me wince. His grip got tighter around my neck too. 'DAMN IT! I don't want to see him in pain, it makes me really upset! '

"You okay Bakugo?" Sero asked as he sat behind the wheels and looked at me from the rearview mirror. I nodded. Kaminari closed the door and he sat in the car as well. As we were in the middle of our way, Shoto's whining got worse. I could hear his sobbing in my neck.

"Bakugo, you sure it was a good idea to take him home instead of staying at the hospital?" Sero asked while his eyes was on the road.

"No one likes hospitals soy sauce. When I saw Shoto's crying face, I couldn't stand watching him suffering. He might have a bad memory of hospitals." I said while I was rubbing Shoto's head. I leaned down and kissed his head still rubbing his head.

"k-k-ka-t-suk-ki...*sniffle*...k-kat-t-suk-kii...*whimper*...k-kat-t-tsuk-I." His sobbing and whining was breaking my heart even more. 'His whispering and the look on his face, I can see that he is in so much pain.'

"Shh babe, we are almost there." I kissed his forehead and caressed his back.

"BABE!!? Sero and Kaminari said at the same time while looking at eachother as well.


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