Chapter 36

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Shoto's pov:

Sitting in the library while reading a book about pregnancy guidance. It's been around two month and half since I'm carrying our baby or babies? I really don't know if its one or two but as long as its growing healthy, me and Katsuki are happy. A smile on my lips as I keep reading the book, with a hand over my belly which has grown a little. A very warm and fluffy blanket around my shoulder, covering my upper body till my thighs since I'm sitting on the rocking chair, rocking myself back and forth slowly while humming. The weather outside had gotten cold, small snowflakes falling down the sky as I glace at the large windows. I hold onto the blanket as I put the book down on my lap, my gaze still on the view of outside. The view is beautiful, the snowflakes, the trees, the flowers, its calming. A yawn escaped my mouth when exhaustion took me by surprise. Carrying a child isn't easy at all but it worth it once you get to see them right? I'm sure they will look like him. God I'm already imagining how they will look like, not saying its a bad thing though. 

I open an eye, glancing at the big wooden clock above the chimney, noticing its been around an our or so that Katsuki's been on a meeting with Aizawa and Yamada with some other dudes who I didn't know them. Not that I care...maybe. I mean im worried about it since he has been working still even after Deku had sent to jail. Also been taking care of me and such. He is really kind and caring. He has also changed ever since that day I saw him for the first time. I shift on the rocking chair, pulling up my knees into my chest with my back against the chair. If I'm correct, there is two weeks till Christmas. I can't believe its been almost a year that me and Katsuki are together. Time flies really fast. I let out a small sigh, standing up from my seat with the blanket around my shoulders, holding against my chest as I became hungry. I wonder what we have for lunch this time. While thinking, I made my way inside the kitchen and saw Momo, Asui and Ojiro as they were talking to each other and having their tea time. Momo was the first to notice me which made her put her cup down, walking her way to me.

"Shoto! Is there anything you needed?" She asked with a smile. Well I couldn't tell what we have for lunch but I really want to have something sweet right now. I know having too much sweet isn't good though I feel like having something.

"do we have anything sweet? Even a flavored milk would be nice." I returned the smile as Asui pulled a chair for me so I could seat. "thank you Asui" She winked at me playfully as he goes over the fridge, looking for something that I could eat or drink. Momo leaned on the counter while Ojiro gave me a smile before getting back to his work. I wonder how much longer Katsuki's meeting's gonna last. I miss him even though I just saw him a few hours ago. I'm assuming its part of the pregnancy. I felt Momo's eyes on me which made me look at her, noticing I was lost in thoughts again. "Oh I do keep thinking." She let out a small chuckle while Asui took out a strawberry milk, handing it to me which I gladly accepted it. This is what I've been waiting for! Without wasting another minute, I opened it and start eating it like an excited child who gets the things they like. 

"Thinking is alright Shoto. As long as its not anything negative its valid. But keep this in mind, you shouldn't stress at all okay? It is not good for you and the baby." My gaze shifted on her, giving her a nod while drinking my milk. It tastes sweet yet yummy. I do think having this once a week wouldn't be that bad. I need to read more about on the book though. "You seem to like drinking strawberry milk. Its milk so it's also good for the baby" Hearing her saying these, made me feel better and relaxed, melting in the chair while holding the milk with both hands.

"You know a lot about baby stuff Momo? Or well...anything about pregnancy." My voice seem to become more like a whisper when I stopped talking, the blush which also formed on my face didn't help much as well. Of course I would be embarrassed to ask these stuff. She gave me a smile, patting me on the shoulder as she pulled the blanket up my shoulder since it had fallen a little while I was drinking my milk.

"Of course I know! Well I can also help you as well. You definitely will crave for things like this strawberry milk or anything sweet you said. Other than that, you could get emotional and might want to be around Master or even want to cuddle up with him. You know getting comforted. But these all are normal so dont worry okay? And then there is mood swings. It sounds a little complicated but it all eventually get on a routine and no worries." With each information my brain was receiving, I would only want to go and hug Katsuki till I fall asleep on him. Even though she said, these all are normal at this period. I looked up at her, giving her a smile as a small thank you, putting the milk down on the counter and decided to go to Katsuki. His meeting should be done after all. I waved at Asui as well as I walked my way to Katsuki's office.

The hallway was quiet, only my steps could be heard. It was until I got close to door, hearing their chatter which only made me to tear up. Why am I tearing up? Over not seeing Katsuki for a few hours? Oh yes...mood swings. I placed my hand on the knob, turning it which opened the door with a creaking sound. I slowly peaked my head seeing Katuki who was by his desk, leaning his back against his chair as Aizawa and Yamada were looking at a file together. There were two other guy which I didn't know. Basically I only know the couple, no one beside them. Katsuki's eyes shifted on me and his serious expression softened when he saw it was me. As soon as my eyes met his, all I wanted was to jump in his arms and hug him tight but they were others in the room which made me stopping myself for doing that.

Katsuki didn't speak a word as he pushed his chair back, more likely standing up immediately as he walked his way towards me and before I knew it, he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist, rubbing circles softly as he planted a kiss on my head. "Shoto baby what's wrong? Those tears in your eyes aren't there for nothing. You in pain? Need anything? Tell me-" he stopped when I raised my head, my cheeks wet with my tears as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down and hug him, making the blanket fall of my shoulders. At this moment, it's like it's just me and Katsuki, no one else. I pressed my head against his chest as he hold me there but I clearly heard him telling the others to leave. "Let's sit down okay? Calm down cutie I'm here" His voice calm and yet soft which only makes my heart melt. I feel safe with him. And that is something I always feel when I'm with him. I heard footsteps which walked passed us but I didn't dare to look. Katsuki sighed in relief and pulled me in the room, not breaking the hug as he closed the door with his foot.

"Hold me Suki. We've missed you" That was the only thing that formed in my mind which I spoke. I heard a chuckle from him before he lift me up carefully, holding me in his arms as he sits on the sofa, placing me on his lap but I never let go of him.

"Alright alright cutie~ I'm here now alright? Have me as much as you want~"

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