Chapter 26

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Shoot's pov:

'Two weeks had passed since the incident with Deku. Katsuki has been so protective recently. Like; really protective! He didn't let me go anywhere without him. He even took showers with me and helped me bath all the time! He helped me to get dressed, eat and even sleep! Though today, he had gone out with his squad because he had found some information about Deku's upcoming plans. He kissed me and hugged me so many times before he leaves. He even gave me his second phone! ' I sighed while I hugged the pillow into my chest. I looked through the window, seeing the sun light shining in the room. I buried my head into the pillow and squealed. 'It smells like Katsuki~' The thought made me blush. ' Come to think of it. . .he is been acting weird lately. He's been way more protective. I'm not saying that I dislike it though, it's a bit unfamiliar for me. I really like it actually. He is really caring and I like him the way he is.'

"*Sigh*, it's not that long since he is gone but, it feels like months! Arghh!" I groaned and threw the pillow on bed and picked up the phone he gave me. I took a deep breath as I unlocked it and looked through the contacts, trying to find his number. I came up to a contact named Lord Of Murderer. ' Wow! What a name! I am guessing this might be his number.' I shrugged and dialed it. BEEEP...BEEEP...

-Yes Kitten? Is everything okay? I giggled and smiled happily when iI heard his calm voice.

"I-i was just bored. . .and I also missed you."

-Aww I've been out for only an hour or so! Do you love me that much?

"You so mean! Of course I love you!"

-Heh don't be mad kitten. I was just messing with you. I'm also missing you so much that I just want to come home and pull you into a big hug!

"Well. . .I would like to have that safe arms around me now."

-Damn! I love you so much Shoto. I will come home as soon as it finishes, okay?

"*giggle*, okay okay. I will be waiting for you~"

-Aww thanks baby~ but if it gets late, sleep okay? You're health is my first priority same as yourself.

"Okay Katsuki. Bye! Take care and be carefull!"

-Take care too kitten. I will be careful! 

"Will doooo~" With that, he hung up. I sighed and lay back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. 


'It's been almost 12 hours since he had called me or text me. He didn't even answer my phone calls or texts. I'm kinda getting worried. Right now, I'm sitting in the living room, watching an action movie. I'm all by myself while others have already gone to their rooms.' I felt my eyes were getting heavier by every seconds that was passing. I slowly lay down on the couch and tried to keep my eyes open which I was failing. . .

Katsuki's pov:

'It took so long to figure out Deku's next plans as we were also trying to find his hideout. Though, I couldn't stand feeling how Shoto must have been feeling so, I decided to leave not caring about them or Deku.' When I arrived, everyone had gone to sleep. I looked at the time and rubbed my temples. 'Wow! It's almost 12! Was it that long? Damn! I really missed him.' I sighed as I walked passed the living room when I heard the TV on. I raised an eyebrow as I walked in. I saw Shoto sleeping on the couch, wearing only a baggy white shirt with his hair untie, hand on his side and face. 'He is so DAMN cute!' I chuckled as I sat on the floor and looked at him, removing some of his hair from his pretty face. He moved a bit and whimpered. I smiled and turned off the TV. I looked at his slender legs and realize that he isn't wearing shorts or pants; just boxers. I blushed and held my laughter. I placed my hand on his face and caressed his cheek before I kissed his lips.

"Shoto~ I'm here~ wake up kitten~" I whispered in his ear and licked it which made him whine. He slowly opened his eyes.

"K-Katsuki? *yawn*, w-when did you come?" I chuckled and kissed his eyes.

"Just a few minutes ago." I said, smiling as I kept rubbing his cheek. He rubbed his eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up then?" He asked, crossing his arms and pouted. I smirked as I moved my hand down his thighs and rubbed them.

"Well, I was admiring my cute and milky boyfriend~" He squealed and hid his face with his hands. My smirk grew wider as I placed my hand between his thighs and rubbed it slowly. He whimpered and blushed even more. I chuckled and leaned on his face and kissed him deeply and passionately. He kissed back with his soft lips. I pulled away before he could enjoy the kiss even more. "I wanted to hug you earlier so. . ." I was cut of when he placed his hand on my face and rubbed my cheek. I blushed and looked at him with a questioned look.

"T-then. . .why don't you hold me~?" He licked his lips and smirked. 'He really is a devil inside and angel's body~'

SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! I WAS BUSY WITH FUCKING HELL (SCHOOL). And I was also busy editing my books. Hope you have enjoyed my books so far! Thanks for 38k views and votes! 😻

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