Chapter 22

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Katsuki's pov:

I tried my best and stood up while holding my stomach. The blood which was coming out of the wound on my forehead was running on my eye, blocking my vision a bit. He placed his filthy hand on Shoto's forehead. My legs were trembling a bit but I ignored it and moved towards him.

"Oh Shotokun! You are awake!! How cute when you are waking up from your sleep!" Deku tugged Shoto's hair which made Shoto to let out a yelp. My blood was boiling. I ignored the pain and rushed to Deku. Deku turned his head to see me running towards him. A wild smile appeared on his face. He let go of Shoto's hair although what he did next made me loose my temper...and when I loose my temper; no one can control me. 'I become a werewolf when I get mad or loose my temper. It doesn't happened always though. Only in critical situations. In my family, only my father had this power; no one else. But after I was born, I had the same power as his. The thing is, I have only turned into it once. The time when I was 17 when a criminal tried to kill my old hag (Mitsuki Bakugo), I was so pissed that I turned into a werewolf and I couldn't remember anythin that had happened at that time when I was a werewolf, the only thing I remembered was that I killed the criminal. The second time is now...although...I really didn't want to transform but, what Deku did, made me so furious. . .' He punched Shoto right where his wound is. And that was enough for me to loose control. My teeth sharpened, my tail grow out of my pants, my ears popped out of my head and my claws came out. In a flash, I slashed his face with my sharp claws. Deku screamed in pain as he fell backwards. Blood was coming out the scratches that I had made. Shoto on the other hand, was crying and whimpering in pain as he was clutching his side. His sobbing and whimpering made me to come back to myself. My ears, tail, claws and teeths vanished. The headache hit me when I came to my sense. Although, I tried to ignore the headache and help Shoto. Panic was the first thing that I felt. I could see the fear and pain in his teary eyes. 'Great job Katsuki! You lost your control and now his is scared of you! I'M AN IDIOT! 'I slowly sat next to him and place my hand on his head. He shivered but, he placed his hand on mine and squeezed it. My attention was turned to his hand which was clutching his side. His shirt was socked with blood. 'BLOOD!? 'My eyes widened seeing the sight. Without noticing, my body started to shake and tears formed in my eyes. With panic, I searched around the room to find my phone. I saw it on my desk. I rushed towards it with trembling legs. My hands were shaking so much that I couldn't even unlock my phone! I took a deep breath. 'Calm down...if I don't calm myself down, I won't be able to help Shoto. He needs me. 'As I was a bit calm, I unlocked my phone and opened my contact and I dialed Chiyo. She answered immediately.

"Katsuki? What seems to be..."

"C-COME N-NOW!! P-PLEASE! I-it's S-shoto. . ."I didn't even realized that my voice was shaking. 

"Okay okay, I'm on my way Katsuki. But I need you to calm yourself till I come, okay? Keep it together."

"O-okay! Please, just c-come quick!!" I hung up the phone. I turned to see Shoto who was looking at me with those watery eyes which made my heart shattered. I walked towards him and sat next to him. Immediately, he held my hand and placed it on his chest. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"Babe, Chiyo is on her way. Hold on baby Shoto, hold on..."

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