Chapter 12

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Katsuki's pov:

'How could I? How could I do this to him who is younger than me!? IF ONLY I WASN'T DRUNK ON THAT DAY...'

"Master? A-are you alright?" I turned back to see Shoto standing in the doorway of the balcony. I nodded as I lit another cigarette, leaning on the fence as I smoke my cigarette. 'I still can't get this out of my head. I'm sure that he is still upset with the accident but he is hiding it. DAMN IT! WHY I KEEP MAKING MISTAKES THAT I CAN'T FIX! ' I let out a long groan.

"I-Is t-there something w-wrong, M-master?" He put his hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see him. When I saw how worried his face is, and how pretty it is; I just wanted to jump off this balcony and kill myself right there and there. 'WHY IT HAS TO BE HIM? WHY ALL THESE STUPID FUCKED UP THINGS ALWAYS HAPPENES TO ME! ' I lowered my head as I threw the cigarette in the bin in my balcony. I closed my eyes and tried to relax a little. 'I never really meant to hurt him. I'll do anything  for him to forget that night, and forget how much of an AWFUL PERSON I AM! ' As I was busy with my thoughts, two pair of slender arms were wrapped around my waist which made me jolt. I lowered my head to see Shoto leaning his head into my back with his arms wrapped around me. I turned and wrapped my arms around his small waist and pulled him closer. He pushed his face into my chest as he starts sobbing.

"P-please! D-don't b-be m-mad over y-yourself! I h-have f-forgave you. Y-you w-weren't y-yourself t-that n-night Master! D-don..."

"Shoto, look at me." He slowly raised his head which made me see his watery eyes. 'How did he read my mind? How did he notice me being mad over myself? Was my face that obvious? Seeing him care for me like this, and being this kind to me after all the things I've done to him; makes me...happy but at the same time, upset. '

"Why do you keep treating me with kindness? I can't forgive myself for what've done to you! I'm mad at myself that I want to jump of this balcony to end my fucked up life! I keep making mistakes that I can't fix! I..." My sentence was cut when Shoto placed his hands on my cheeks and lowered my head to his. I could see tears were falling from his eyes and I could feel my eyes were getting watery too. A small but calming smile formed on his face which made my heart ache and warm at once.

"I-I know y-you were m-mad at yourself M-master. T-that's w-why I treated you w-with k-kindness. E-even if I h-have forgave y-you, y-you w-wouldn't f-forgive yourself, r-right?" More tears began to fall off his eyes as some tears fell off my eyes as well. 'He is kind, has a heart of an angel. He pulled me closer till he placed his soft lips on mine. At first I was shock and I didn't know what to do. But then, I held pulled him closer by his waist and deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck as he closed his eyes. 'His lips are soft and sweet. 'After few more seconds of hot kissing session, he was the first who pulled away with a red face. He immediately squealed and hid his face with his hands. I chuckled with a small shade of pink on my cheeks as I brushed his hair behind his ear.

"I-I'm s-sorry M-master! I t-took a-advantage of y-you." He said, removing his red face with dried tears on his cheeks. I smiled as I pulled him to my chest which made him gasp in surprise.

"Stop apologizing." I placed my hand under his chin and raised it. I leaned down and kissed his cheek and wiped the tears away. "I'll treat you with kindness as long as I'm alive! And I'll promise that I will never ever hurt you ever again."


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