Chapter 39

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Katsuki's pov:

Fourth month of pregnancy

Another month had passed. Very fast if you ask me. The days fly by even though I feel like the time is going so slow which I enjoy every second of it with my precious little peppermint. His morning sickness has gotten better but still he gets nauseous when he smell a certain food. Especially if it has any vegetables in it. Other than that, he is eating well and I'm keeping a close eye on him, making sure he eats enough. Marble is...fell so fucking clingy on him which is weird to tell but I am starting to get jealous. Not my fault that I am protective on him tch what do you expect? Aside of these, I myself have been reading articles about parenting stuff. Don't judge me I need to be prepared for this shit after all! Have to fucking admit, this shit is so harder than I thought. YET me and Shoto are getting ready for it all! We are going to have three mini version of ourselves running around the house! Wait. I need to babyproof the house! How the fuck could I forget such an important thing like this! Damn I need shitty hair for this too...

Fifth month of pregnancy

Shoto's been really emotional I have to admit. I had bought our little ones three pairs of white socks with cat designs around its ankle part. He cried as soon as he hold them in his hands. It was a cute sight yet it melt my eyes to see him like this. Not gonna lie the socks are so fucking...cute- it wasn't just those damn socks that looked cute, I even bought some clothes with the help of the hag for sure since she wouldn't stop calling me and begging me for it. It was for the first time I introduced her to Shoto and BOI she was so happy and exaggerating a little. Typical her though can't change her. Yet her meeting Shoto was a brief. She told us a lot about baby stuff and parenting. She even decided to stay with us for this time so she can make food and stuff with me doing it of course. I'm better than her in cooking tch. Ah and she was hella happy and excited when she realized she is gonna be a grandma and have three grandchildren. Poor old man, she will be annoying him all day.

Sixth month of pregnancy

Let's see. Shoto's belly is bigger than it was last month which sometimes makes him cry when he wants to wear something which doesn't fit him anymore. Luckily, my hoodies and shirts fit him so, I always see him wearing my clothes with long socks. His hair has grown quiet long too. When he would sit on my lap, I would braid it for him. Have to admit, he looks so cuter with his hair braided. I would definitely braid our little ones hair two once they are older. Fuck. I'm really going to be a father! We be parents. Oh and shitty hair along pikachu helped me to baby proof the whole god damn mansion. Since pikachu was a more experienced with baby stuff, he helped us a lot as well, especially with making the nursery room. We paint the walls pastel pink which was also Shoto's favourite colour. We bought a big crib so the three of them can sleep next to each other. The hag had also made some blankets and towels with a very soft yarn. Gotta admit, the nursery looks really cozy and comfortable. Shoto and I would sit there sometimes, with me listening to him singing softly. With this voice of his, I myself even fall asleep..

 With this voice of his, I myself even fall asleep

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Seventh month of pregnancy

Just two more months yet it feels like two years for me. Yeah I admit I am starting to be impatient but it ain't my fault. Even Shoto is starting to count days. Yet, as his due date is getting near, I'm starting to get worried too and nervous. I don't know why but still I feel really excited too. Today, we sure are gonna pick names for our little ones. Me, Shoto along Kaminari and the hag are now sitting in the living room, having tea with some homemade cookies that me and the hag made together earlier this morning. Pikachu and hag are looking through their phones for girls name while me with Shoto on my lap are thinking of boys names. Choosing names is harder than I had thought of it. There are so so so many fucking names which each are rather cuter than the other- 

"damn there are so many names to choose from! Argh" I let out a groan but I feel Shoto's warm hands on my cheeks, caressing it with his slender fingers. Fuck he sure is the cure of my temper. I lean on his touch, closing my eyes a little. "mmm damn. You always make me calm sweetie peppermint." He giggled softly, giving me a kiss on the cheek which made him smile and I returned the kiss on his head instead. He looks up at me, with that sweet smile of his which made me smile. 

"Me and Mitsuki-san came to a conclusion about girl names." It was pikachu who spoke up, making both me and Shoto turn our heads towards them. It better not be something idotic...I know Shoto asked him to help us on this but still! Tch maybe I'm just over thinking a little aren't I? "Eita. Eita Bakugo. It suits the last name right? There is Mei as well but me and Mitsuki-san preferred Eita." It doesn't really sound that bad. I like it. Looking at Shoto who was smiling, I could tell he also likes the name too.

"it doesn't sound bad. At least you use that brain of yours right this time pikachu- ow what's the poke about?" I winced when I feel Shoto elbowing my side which made me raise a brow. He had a small pout as he had his arms crossed over his chest, like a child who is mad about something. So cute. No matter what he does, he always looks cute as an angel. Sure he is a devil inside though. "Okay fine don't give me that look princess" He let out a sigh but nodded, looking down at his phone as he looked through the boy names we had picked. So many to choose from but eventually we both choose two; Kohi and Akio. And our only girl, Eita.

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