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"The kid's been through a lot. This guy Cory Anderson basically was a shit manager to him...he didn't care about him he only cared about the fame, the charts, publicity. You know...the works. Finally he fired him and went back for me."

"Went back?"

"Yeah...I met him at a studio. He was in a lot of shit, deep shit. He said he needed guidance...managing. We talked for a bit and I guess I have...inspired him. I've known him before, dating back to the Jonas Brothers, mutual connections. I guess I was like this relative they never see, but I knew stuff about them, so I kinda know the whole history and background. They went seperate ways and it became pretty ugly, Joe was the first one to eventually find me when he was forming this new band, but the band wasn't ready to be signed. I signed Demi and she became my little legend that one."

"So what's Nick been upto...if you don't mind me asking, Phil?"

Phil McIntyre of Phillymack leaned back in his seat and looked out the big window behind his host for the evening; looking out into Hollywood. "Not much. He just bought a new house with his fiancee and enjoying the quiet of being engaged. That's as much as I could tell you."

"So it's a secret?"

"Nah, man. That's just all that he's been doing. They're trying to be lowkey for a while, you know? Media hasn't been too sweet to them since they"

"So no projects?"

"Nada." Phil popped his lips.

"Interesting...well, the reason I called you down here Phil is because I was wondering," The host leaned forward, hands folded on his desk. The silver glossy initials on the wall stood proudly reading RSP "And this is a big brilliant idea, you heard it here first. I'm so excited that I didn't call a middle man for this. I wanted to talk to you myself."

"Yeah?" Phil thought out loud, intrigued.

"Would Nick be interested on doing a project with us? I know he'd be quick to say no, but consider how rare this opportunity is--"

"Well, what exactly is the project?" Phil cut off.

He chuckled "Obviously Phil, here at Ryan Seacrest Productions we don't build houses for the homeless. We produce reality shows. The best ones." Ryan's eyebrows raised as he talked "And here at Ryan Seacrest Productions...we want Nick and Miley."

Phil thought, visualizing how Nick would say 'no' to the offer even before Phil could open his mouth. He's heard it too often; Nick wants some down time. To relax, to focus on himself, to be with Miley without the lime light. He even turned down a VMA performance.

"He would refuse." Phil said, and Ryan nodded understandingly "I'm not surprised. They've been lying too low that I'm starting to doubt they still exist...but come on, Phil. That's why I asked you here...if anyone can convince him it's you. You're his manager after all, and besides...this is a once in a lifetime offer. And it's not like I'll want them forever, now's the time. Now's the perfect time for them to make their comeback...too late and they'll burn out forever. This is the right time to spark the fire again. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, totally but I--"

"So we agree." Ryan cut off, smiling his trademark only on E! smile "You, as his manager, understand that this is the time to come out again. Use your words. Encourage him. Not many people off the grid are offered contracts for a reality show."

Phil tried to think hard "Just so we understand each other...Nick is in a really sensitive stage about his image. A reality show would mean exposing his personal life."

"Oh, Phil..." Ryan chuckled "Do you really think the Kardashians really went through that kind of drama on a daily basis? No. We fabricate it to make the show more interesting. Trust me, his personal personal life would be untouchable."

What he said gave Phil insight, he nodded while his mind was still in a trance, he hadn't realized Ryan was already up on his feet and opening the door for him to leave. "Call me ASAP, alright? Remember...this deal is like a fine meal, it'll get cold real soon."

"No problem. Thanks for your time, man." Phil shook hands with the multimillionaire producer and took his leave; zooming through the Hollywood hills on the way to Nick's right after he reversed his car. He was on a mission. A Reality show deal mission.


Hey everyone :) so welcome to the sequel of Publicity!

I usually start off my new fanfics with short descriptions of the plot, but I think this time I will let the story speak for itself.

The next update of this story will hopefully be out soon, so keep your eyes peeled! Leave any kind of feedback or comments about this fic; be it some character suggestions or rating your excitement from 1-10. And if you have any questions, feel free to leave some and I'll respond to all of them :)


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