part 1.

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Moving is hard, not to mention scary. The thought of having to start all over, meet new people, it wasn't an easy thing to think about.. let alone do. Originally I'm from a small town about 10 minutes out from New Orleans, Louisiana. Running into someone I know everywhere I go is a normal thing where I come from.  What a MAJOR switch up to be moving across the country to California- thanks to my mom's new job. Although, on the bright side - if I ever wanted to move anywhere, California would be it. Somehow I feel like the lucky one even though my mom's the one receiving the job offer of a life time.

California has always been the dream. I used to even tease my mom about how much cooler it would have been to be raised there.
Now fortunately, I get to live that dream. But all dreams come with their worries too right? What if I don't meet any new friends? What if no one likes me? I am a small town country girl.. and California is far from being country.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my mom walking upstairs. "Cassie, are you ready?" she asked waiting by my door. I look around my old room, nod my head, and let out a sigh as I walked out of my no longer bedroom. " Man, as much as I've always wanted to leave, I am going to miss this place" I confessed. "It's going to be fun Cassie, come on and grab your suit case, we can't be late or we will miss our flight." I nodded my head in agreement and grabbed my suit case dragging it out the door.

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