Chapter 17

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*Cams pov*
The moment Cassie told me she liked me I was shocked. I mean I sort of knew it because of how we we're together but she never actually came out and told me. I was so happy I didn't even say anything. I just kissed her. I like her so much and I've just been holding back because of what she told me about not wanting a relationship, but what she just told me changes every thing. I'm going to make her mine. Maybe not just yet because she literally just told me about an hour ago that she liked me. Plus, when I do it, I want it to be special. She hasn't really been treated special much, especially with her douche of an ex boyfriend. No girl should be treated how he treated her. Especially Cassie. How can someone even begin to THINK about harming her? She's so beautiful and delicate. I'm going to show Cassie what it's like to actually be loved and cared for. She deserves the best and that's what she's going to get.

High School Musical III just finished and sure enough Cassie was sleeping on my lap. I don't blame her. We watched all 3 of the boring movies I was starting to get tired myself. I didn't want to wake her but I reallllly had to pee. Plus, I was hungry again and wanted to order pizza. I gently propped up her head while scooting from underneath her. I grabbed a pillow to replace my lap. Luckily shes a heavy sleeper and didn't wake. I walked to the bathroom, did my business, called Dominos to order some pizza and walked out. When I got back to the living room, Cassie wasn't there. "Cassie?" I called out. No answer. Where could she have gone? I started thinking to myself. Out of the blue I felt someone jump on my back and wrap their legs around me. When it happened a whole bunch of hair got in my face, so I knew it was Cassie. Just then, I felt little hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" Cassie said trying to disguise her voice so I wouldn't recognize her. "Ummm, the pizza man?" I joked. "Pizza?" I heard Cassies normal adorable voice as she slid down my back, back onto the floor. I turned around, "Yep, just ordered some"
"Aw great!! I'm starving! But wait.. didn't you just eat?" she asked me.
I laughed. "Yeah but if you didn't tell by now, I eat all day. I never stop. I'm always hungry."
"Ugh no fair and you're still so skinny!" she said going into punch my stomach. I flexed it.
"Holy abs" she said putting her hands under my shirt and looking at me.
"You like?" I said joking.
"Nah, they're fake anyway" she said.
"Fake?!" I nearly screamed. "How are THESE fake?" I said taking my shirt off.
She just laughed and shook her head. "Whens the pizza coming?" Cassie asked.
"Uhh, should be here right about.." The doorbell rang. "Pizzas here" said a girl coming from the door. "Now" I said winking at Cassie and walking to the door. When I opened it I saw someone I did NOT expect to see standing there holding our pizza. Chelsea. My ex girlfriend. I stood there and stared at her for a second. Me and Chelsea used to date a while back and we were pretty serious. I've never had a serious girlfriend like that until her. Things were going great until she cheated on me with Chris. I forgave her once because she promised it was a mistake and it would never happen again. The mistake was that I believed her. It ended up happening 8 more times with different guys I used to call my friends. That time I ended things, with her and my friends. The only one I didn't end things with was Chris. He was always my best friend and I just couldn't let go of him like that. "Cameron?" I heard Chelsea say when I opened the door. I guess Cassie heard her too because when she said that Cassie came running to my side and wrapping her arms around my body that still did not have a shirt on. "How much will that be?" I asked ignoring the fact that she was trying to speak to me. "Goodness, Cam. I haven't seen you in ages, youre looking good." Chelsea said winking at me. I brushed it off and said "The person on the phone said it was $11.87, have a nice day" while giving her the money and taking the pizza. Chelsea stood there confused and I would not look her in the eyes for anything. I closed the door on her after taking the pizza. "Who was that Cam?" Cassie asked me backing away. I brought the pizza over to the kitchen counter and set it down. "Uh, no one. It was no one" I stuttered. I hated to even think about Chelsea. Let alone talk about her. I mean don't get me wrong. My feelings for her are long gone. It just stings a little because I used to care for her a lot. After she cheated I tried blocking her out of my head completely and I was doing really well too. That's the first I've seen her since the break up. She used to call nonstop but I blocked her number so she couldn't reach me. Plus, we moved houses after our breakup so she didn't know where I lived anymore. Shoot. Now she does. I totally forgot. Chelsea's the stalker kind. When she wants something, there's no stopping her until she gets it. I just hope she doesn't want me because she will do anything in her power to keep Cassie away from me so I can be all for her. That is never going to happen if I have anything to do with it I know I've only known Cassie for a few months but she means the world to me. I care for this girl so much. I'm not going to let anything happen to her or us. "Sure doesn't look like it was no one, oh come onnn cam. You can tell me! " she said walking over to me wrapping her arms around my body and looking up. I can't. I can't let her know about Chelsea. It'll just cause drama. "It's no one Cass, I promise. Just a girl I used to go to school with, that's all" I said not lying. We did use to go to school together. "Okay fine" Cassie said eyeing me in an off tone like she had just been lied to. I looked down at her still holding onto me and slid my finger under her chin tilting it up, making us come into eye contact. "I would never lie to you, we have a past, it's just not something to talk about right now. I'm with you and that's all that matters." Her eyes sparkled when I said that. A soft smile grew across her face. I leaned down and pecked her soft lips that formed just right with mine. I pulled away looking at her and she brought her hands away from my body right to the sides of my face cupping my cheeks pulling me into another kiss. I felt her smile as she pulled away. "'Now let's eat, I'm starving" she said holding her stomach. I laughed at her cuteness and escorted her to the table.

A/N :
Hey guys! This is my first A/N lol so let me introduce myself. I'm Caitlee, aka @camswonder on Twitter. So so sorry for the short chapter, I haven't updated in a while so I just wanted to get something in there for you guys. The stories no where near to being done so I will still be updating!! However sometimes I forget so if you're waiting on an update just go tweet me @camswonder and tell me to! I'm always on there. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter also! Tell me how you like the story so far and if you have any tips or suggestions on what to put in just tell me! I'm open to any at all! This is my first fan fiction so it may not be the best. Thanks so much guys for reading! Yall are the best!! xoxo

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