part 8

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*Cams pov*
I was woken up by a beeping noise from my phone saying I got a text. I looked to see who it was from and oddly it was Cassie. She's never texted me first before so this was kinda weird. I hope everything is okay. I slid the notification across the screen to reveal the text.
Cassie: "Hey, can we maybe meet at 12 today instead of 7 tonight?"
Me: "Yeah sure, why? Is something wrong?"
Cassie: "No, lol. I just don't really feel like waiting any longer."
Me: "Ehhh, eager to see me?(;"
Cassie: "Ha, you wish"
Me: "See you at 12"
I looked at the time. Oh my god, it's already 11:45 I need to hurry. I got up brushed my teeth and went back into my room to get dressed. I just picked a tank top with khaki shorts and red vans. I mean after all this isn't a date, even though I would love for it to be. She just doesn't seem that into me yet, but I swear I'm not going to stop trying. I grabbed my phone to look at the time. It was already 11:55. I had to leave. I grabbed my keys and headed out while texting Cassie on my way into the car to let her know I was on my way.

*Cassies pov*
I get a text from Cameron telling me that he's here. I took one last look in the mirror before leaving. I had makeup on but it wasn't noticeable. I was wearing a black romper with black vans. I didn't look to bad. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door. Right when he saw me he hopped out of his car and raced to my side. "Wait I got it" he said as opening the door for me. "Why thank you" I said with a gentle smile. He walked to the other side of the car and got in. "So where to?" he asked. "Um, anywhere we can just sit and talk I guess" I replied. "How about we just go for a walk?" he suggested. "Yeah that's fine." We both got out the car and began to walk. It was quiet at first until he broke the silence. "So what's going on? What's the real reason you've been avoiding me?"
I took a few second to gather my words right. I probably should have planned what I was going to say because I'm at a loss for words right now. "Look Cassie, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "No Cameron, I do." I really do. I honestly feel like I can trust him. I'm just scared to see what he's going to say.
"Okay, so here's the thing." I said.
Cameron stopped walking now and was in front of me face to face so he could listen. "My mom's job offer only has us here for 2 years.. " He nodded to show he was paying attention. Then he sat on the ground legs crossed motioning for me to do the same. I agreed then got back to what I was saying. "Anyway, I've just learned to not get so close to people or let them in because in the end we both end up getting hurt."
"So thats its? You think the fact of you having to move is going to stop me from trying for you?" He laughed. Trying for me? Cameron likes me?

My stomach was getting this really weird feeling but not in a bad way. "Geeze Cassie and I'm over here scared half to death that you just don't like me. " he nudged my arm playfully. "That's not all" I said putting him back into seriousness. He nodded telling me to go on. "My boyfriend... " I saw Cameron tense up. "EX.. boyfriend." He released his grip. "My ex boyfriend and my only boyfriend, wasn't quite the charmer." I said beginning my story. "What about him?" he asked curiously.
I pulled up the sleeves to my shirt and pointed to two long scars.
"This one was from when I told him I didn't like the way he spoke to me" Camerons eyes widened and he jumped up off the ground. "CASSIE!!" he screamed. "HE HIT YOU?!"
"occasionally." I answered.
"Oh my god I want to kill this kid!" Cameron was getting angry but upset at the same time. I found it so attractive how he felt hurt for me. Like he actually cared. "He only did when he said I deserved it"
"Deserved it?! I'll show him what he deserves" he said.

You could almost see the fumes coming from his ears. His face was beat red. I stood up and placed my right hand on his cheek trying to calm him down. "Shh, it's okay Cameron. I'm okay." I assured him. "No it's not okay Cassie. That will never be okay. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." he said looking straight into my eyes. I felt like I just melted. The way his eyes connected with mine made the butterflies in my stomach go absolutely crazy.
"Just know, I would NEVER do that or anything to hurt you Cassie, ever. And that's a promise." 
I gave him a soft smile and he pulled me in for a hug. This hug was different from the others though. It had meaning into it. I love being in his arms. I feel so.. protected. I feel safe. I could care less about letting my gaurd down and liking someone now because that is long gone. Cameron pushed past that. It felt nice to have someone care. He pulled away from the hug, "Do you think I could maybe take you out tonight? As in a real d- date?" he stuttered. Aw, that was cute. He was actually nervous. "I would love that" I said smiling up at him. "Great" he smiled back down at me.

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