part 12

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*Cassies Pov*
You know that confused state you enter after having a really good slumber? Imagine mine waking up on a boy's bare chest. I found Cameron's face above mine after the fuzziness in my eyes went away. Still, here laying on Cameron's bare chest. My arms were wrapped around his very hard torso. He was still asleep and he looked so cute. I wish I looked that pretty when I sleep, he's like sleeping beauty and I'm the beast when I sleep. I could honestly lay here and look at him all day, if I had it my way. I tried to be as still as possible, I didn't want to move and wake him. He's so warm and cozy. I feel safe with him here. I felt movement from him and looked up to see him rubbing his eyes starting to wake up. "Goodmorning" I said with my arms wrapped around his body still. He smiled down looking at me saying "Goodmorning" back in his morning voice. I started to unlock my arms (that are complete dead weights at this point) from his body and get out of bed. "Wait, where do you think you're going?" he said pulling me back down into cuddling mode. "To get up and get some breakfast!" I said back. "Ehhh, breakfast can wait." he said as he laid there squeezing me into a tight hug.
"As much I love laying here cuddling with you I'm starvinggg" I said trying to squiggle out from his hug. "Fine, but you gotta kiss me first" he ordered.
"Nope" I denied. "Kiss me" he said again. "No let go of me!" I said laughing and getting up almost successfully before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to the bed and getting on top of me. He pinned my arms to the side by my head, staring deep into my eyes. "Kiss me." he said this time in a soft whisper. God, the butterflies in my stomach were going insane. I acted as if I were going into kiss him. He did the same by looking at my lips and leaning in. He leaned down slowly and just before he went to kiss my lips I felt his grip loosen. I rolled from underneath him and ran to my door, "Ha! Gotcha!" I yelled playfully and looked back at him laying on my bed with his arms crossed doing the cute little pouty face. I raced downstairs to the kitchen. "Are you going to come down and eat?!" I yelled at him from downstairs. "Nope" he yelled back.
I knew he was only joking around and not coming down to prove his point. I made breakfast for the two of us anyway. I poured some lucky charms into two different bowls and got some milk then headed up stairs. When I looked in my room to bring him the food, he wasn't there. Is he seriously mad? "Cameron?" I called. No answer. I walked into my room further and called his name again while setting the glasses of milk on my dresser with the cereal still in my hands. "Cameron??" then I felt hands wrap around me from behind, which startled me causing the cereal to fall all over my floor. "Gotcha!" Cameron whispered into my ear from behind. His chin was fit right into my neck. "Cameron! You made me spill the cereal!" I yelled at him. "Oh boo hoo" he said spinning me around to be face to face now. "Help me pick it up" I said. "Yes ma'am!" he said saluting me. I laughed and shook my head at him because he was being so goofy. It was really cute. I liked how he can joke around and not be all serious all the time like Drew used to be. He would never let me joke around or have fun. It was always him bossing me around. I started to pick up the pieces of cereal and put them into the bowl when I felt cereal being thrown at me, I looked up and saw cameron picking up marshmallows and throwing them at my face. "Hey! Stop that!" I said fussing. "Oh what are you going to do? Beat me up?" he said joking. "Yep, I will."
"HA! I'd like to see you try."
"Oh it's on Cameron!"
"You gotta catch me first!!" he said running. I got up and started chasing him around the room. I took a pillow and hummed it at his head but he ducked and I missed. He took the pillow that I recently just threw at him and hummed it back at me and hit me straight in the face. It didn't hurt, it's a pillow! But I grabbed my face with my hand acting like I just got a brick thrown at my head. "Ow ow ow!!!" I yelled falling to the ground. "Oh my god, Cassie!! Are you okay?!" Cameron screamed while running over to me on the floor. He bent down next to me and put his hand on my face. "Are you okay?" he asked again sounding concerned. "Yeah, can you just help me up?" I answered sounding hurt. "Of course" he put out his hand to help me up. When he did I grabbed it and pulled him to the floor. I swung my leg around and was sitting on his stomach with his arms pinned to the floor by each side of his face. He tried squirming around but my grip was too tight. "Ugh, you little.."
"Gotcha" I said cutting him off.
His deep brown eyes were staring into mine which caused me to loosen my grip because they were just so breath taking. He took notice of my hands that weren't so tight any more and pushed me off of him causing us to switch places. I now was on the floor with him on top of me with my arms pinned back. He started to stare into my eyes again. Those eyes, my lord. They make me weak. They flickered from my eyes, down to my lips, back up to my eyes, and to my lips again. He leaned slowly in as this was going to be a soft kiss and just when I went to pick my head up to do the same, his lips crashed into mine. He cupped his right hand into my cheek and his other behind my head for support laying me back down onto the floor not breaking the kiss once. The kiss got heated very quickly until he pulled away. "I'm sorry" he apologized. "For what?" I asked sitting up. "I just don't want to take this too fast you know? I really like you and I just want to take our time with this" he said. "No, it's okay Cameron. I totally understand. I was actually going to tell you the same thing."
"Can I tell you something?" he asked.
"Yeah, of course." I said getting up and walking over to sit besides him on my bed. He took a deep breath as if he was contemplating on telling me or not. "What's up?" I asked.
"I don't know.. nevermind." he said
"Noo Cam, you can't do that! Tell me!"
"I want to Cassie, it's just embarrassing for me." He said looking away from me.
"Tell me" I said grabbing his face and turning it so we would be eye to eye.
He took a deep breath, released, and said "I'm a virgin.."

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