Chapter I - Bloody hell...

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Hello everyone!

You've been asking for a sequel for my book "Small Accidents, New Beginnings", and guess what? Your wish is my command! (A year later but oh well)

So this is why I'm now presenting you with your so awaited sequel!

Do not read this before reading the first book!

You can find it on my profile page.

But if you already read it, and were waiting for the sequel, the time has come!

I really can't thank you enough for how much the book has grown, I read every single one of your comments and I loved reading them so much!

But now, without further ado, here is "Semper In Pectore Meo", the "Small Accidents, New Beginnings" second book!

Sit tight because we're about to go through a roller coaster of emotions! (Sorry in advance)

I hope you like it!

Don't forget to vote and comment, and thank you so much for sticking with the story!


Harry's POV

"Draco, are you okay?" I ask, concerned, and he nods sadly. "Are you sure you can do this? I can go with you if you want..."

"Harry, no. I have to do this. Plus it's not like there are many people here..." He whispered, obviously struggling to keep his voice steady.

We were seated in the front row at Narcissa Malfoy's funeral. And I can tell how hard this must be for Draco. Right now I just want to focus on trying to keep him as comfortable as I can, holding his hand, minutes away from the moment where he has to stand up and read his speech.

He never let me read it, but I could tell by his expression as he wrote it that this means a lot to him, so I didn't pressure him.

He was right when he said there weren't many people here.

Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius and Remus, Snape, McGonagall, Dumbledore, Draco, myself, and some other people I didn't know were the only ones present. We were around fifteen people. Most of Draco's family didn't even bother to show up. 

People had been giving us weird looks because of our joined hands, but I ignored them, as I promised Draco I'd stay by his side.

"Draco, would you like to stand up and do your speech?" Professor Dumbledore asks softly, knowing the boy is still shaken from the situation.

Draco nods and turns to face me, and I give him a reassuring smile, squeezing his hand before letting it go.

He stands up slowly, not looking up, grabs his letter, and walks to stand in front of everyone.

Before starting to speak, he looks up to me, and when I nod, he starts.

"Hmm... H-Hi. Thank you all for coming today... i-it means a lot that you're here." He clears his throat. "Mother was a complicated woman. Not many people understood her, but I did. And she understood me. She was there for me always. When Father got mad, she would hug me and reassure me it would be okay. When I woke up from a nightmare and called her, she would lay in my bed and hug me to her chest as she sang softly in my ear, until I fell asleep." a tear fell from his eye, followed by others, and he took a shaky breath. "W-Whenever I was sad or struggling with anything s-she never hesitated to give me her support. She was always there for me... always. But most importantly, s-she was my friend." His hands started trembling and he looked down, away from the speech he has written. "I don't understand w-why bad things happen to such sweet people... m-mother was so, so sweet, so caring and I-I n-never even got to say g-goodbye! A-And now I never will... I-I just want her back..." 

Draco fell to the ground, speech completely forgotten, sobbing, and I instantly ran to him, wrapping my arms around his shaking body, ignoring the whispers, and he clung to my shirt as he cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back soothingly and planted a kiss on the top of his head, and then I saw Dumbledore walking towards us, indicating for me to take him away from there and calm him.

"Come on, love." I whispered to him as I picked him up and walked to the portkey station, so I could take us back to Hogwarts.


Due to everything that had happened, Dumbledore let me and Draco stay in the quarters we had been staying in until spring break, but then we'd have to each go back to their respective dorm.

We were not looking forward to it, as we'd gotten used to being together almost all the time.

When I reached our quarters, I walked inside Draco's room and laid him in bed.

"Stay? Please?" Draco whispers weakly.

"Of course, always." I whisper back, taking off my shirt and sort of folding it, putting it on top of a chair.

I sat on the bed, next to Draco, and turned him around so his front was turned to me, unbuttoning his shirt carefully.

When it was fully unbuttoned, Draco looked up at me and wrapped his arms around my neck, bringing my lips to his, and kissed me passionately.

I pulled away after a while and smiled at him, which made him give me the smallest of smiles, but it was still a smile, and it made my heart pound faster.

I leaned back down and kissed him again, before proceeding to take his shirt fully off, and placing it next to mine.

He grabbed my hand and brought me closer to him, wrapping his arms and right leg around me, and I sighed happily, falling asleep not much longer after.


Everything was dark. Everywhere I looked, I couldn't see a thing, and I felt myself starting to panic.

Suddenly I heard a noise, and I decided to follow it.

I bumped into something, which turned out to be a large old looking door, with a faint light coming from under it.

I opened it and was immediately blinded by an extremely strong flash of light that forced my eyes to close.

Slowly I got used to it and hesitated before opening them again, only to find myself unable to move, looking down to see my body tied to a chair in the middle of the once again dark room.

The inability to escape caused my heartbeat to spike up increasingly, and every time I tried to break free, the ropes around me got tighter, a strangled cry of pain erupting from my lungs in desperation.

And then I heard it.


I looked up to see Draco, standing in front of me, running to get me, yet, he didn't seem to be moving from the same spot.

"DRACO!" I shouted, but as soon as I did so, a flash of green light went straight to his chest, and my heart stopped as he fell to the ground.


I heard an unmistakable evil laugh in the background, one of the ugliest sounds craved in my memories, belonging to none other than Voldemort himself, before everything faded.

I woke up in a startle and looked to my side to see Draco still cuddled up against me, breathing softly. I let out a sigh of relief and hugged him closer.

"Harry? Is everything okay?" he mumbled sleepily.

"Yeah... yeah, don't worry. Everything's fine. Go back to sleep... you're okay..." I replied softly, mumbling the last part, and he nodded, falling asleep again a few moments later.

I rubbed my forehead as a burning sensation stung around my scar, and I wasn't able to go back to sleep that night, one thought repeating in my mind.

What the bloody hell was that?

Semper In Pectore Meo - Drarry (Sequel to "Small  Accidents, New Beginnings")Where stories live. Discover now