Chapter 10

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Normani motivation💋💋💋💋😍😍❤❤i just love the song wllhee its dope🔥🔥🔥

Aslam's POV

Ya Allah I love my wife I can't see life without her it scares me to even think about it today  is my birthday but I don't really care am at work but I just can't concentrate my mind is else where I just can't stop thinking of my tasleem I miss her already I just want to hold her, kiss her, cuddle with her, hold her next to me, I want her here with me but sad I can't so I decided to call her at least hear her voice so I called her after hearing her voice I was content so I got back to work she's my motivation her been happy makes me happy too and hearing her tell me she loves me well I will never get tired of hearing it just as I was working my office door flew open it was dad holding a box he came in coming straight at me with mom and mubarak and his family they were  all holding balloons filled with water oh god now before I could say anything they started shooting at me I was soaked in water they burst out laughing at me they shouted happy birthday to me I glared at them they all just laughed it off and hugged me even mom she kissed me on my cheeks something she hasn't done in a very long time I said thank you they gave me gifts and then made me cut the cake they left after that now I have to go home and change to it was 3:00pm so I just decided to close for the day I gave the leftover cake to my employees and then left

When I got home what I saw shocked the life out of me the security guard was laying on the floor unconscious without thinking I ran into the house shouting tasleems name but she was nowhere I checked everywhere but she wasn't in the house I took out my phone I called dad and her parents the security guard and my driver walked in to together

Sir a man was here in the house he said he was looking for you so I told him you weren't home but he pushing me to get into the house I didn't let him so he hit me with a wood on my head I blacked out I didn't know what happened "the security guard explained in less than 15 minutes everyone was here I told them what the security guard told me dad had called the police already

The police got here they asked some questions and looked around the house I was in tasleem's room sitting on the floor in tears as I read the letter she wrote me I was still holding it when mom came in she sat down next to me pulling me for a hug I hugged her still crying "I can't lose her too mom I can't take it I can't lose her I love her mom I really love her so much I kept crying it hurts so much mom "shhhhhhh she's going to be fine you won't lose her okay let's pray for her to get back to us safe ok shhhhhhh its going to be fine we will find her and who ever took her just then dad walked in telling us to come down stairs we went back to the living room the police were about to leave when I stopped them"am coming with you, No sir please you have to sit here and let us do our work "did he just say sit did you just ask me to sit my wife is out there somewhere probably hungry or cold she's been kidnapped and you are asking me to sit god help me ask me to sit here one more time and you won't like it I said pushing him out of my way I was about to open the door when my phone started ringing I picked it up without hesitation hello and then I heard her voice tasleem "aslam  she said I could hear the fear in her voice habibty is that you I asked yes she said aslam they are going to kill me they will kill me she kept crying I love you so much aslam she said and that's when I remembered the smart watch I got her I noticed it wasn't where she always kept it on her dressing mirror in her room "tasleem remember am watching you I said I hope she understands what I mean the call got cut off I fell on my knees in tears I really can't lose her too I can't ya Allah please keep her safe just then my phone dinged showing the location of the smart watch ya Allah thank you

It shows that she's in kubwa I just pray we make it on time we left to go get my wife when we got to the location it was an empty building we got in the police caught two people I found tasleem tied to a chair she was unconscious without hesitation I got her out of the chair I put her in my car for the first time after the accident am driving I drove without fear in my heart I drove to the hospital I took her out of the car running into the hospital with her in my arms the doctors took her into the emergency room I wanted to go in with her but they wouldn't let me I called our parents to let them know they all came running in half an hour we sat in silence waiting I couldn't even sit the police came into the waiting room to talk to us "sir as you know we caught two people seems they are working for a woman named Noorie do you know who she is they asked both my parents looked surprised I wasn't because I suspected her "yes we know her she's my cousin I then told the police how she threatened me and tasleem and the note she left in my house they wrote down my statement and left

The doctor came out shortly "doctor how is my wife I asked sir she's fine now but we are sorry we couldn't save the baby she said wait what tasleem was pregnant I went numb sir she was at least a month pregnant and with the amount of abuse she went through we couldn't save the baby but she also can be able to conceive again there is no damage to her womb or anything the doctor said and then left

We lost our baby how am I going to tell her we didn't even know she was pregnant a little me and her was in her womb our baby how do I tell her "you all can go home now its late I said to our parents I'll call and let you know when she wakes up okay they said and left I went in to tasleem's room she was looking pale and tired I sat next to her intertwining our hands its been 8 hours and she's still unconscious I got up to pray subhi then sat down next to her just then she woke up "aslam she said yes baby I said she sat up pulling me for a hug like she was trying to check if I was real or not I couldn't look at her in the eyes "I thought I lost you I said still in her arms I can't lose you too tasleem I can't lose you too I can't take it shhhhhhh am here now she said I love you aslam she said she managed to get me to sleep I was sleeping when I heard someone scream I got up to see tasleem on the floor and her doctor trying to console her I just knew she found out about our baby I got up and walked to her picking her up I placed her on her bed the doctor excused us

Tasleem please stop I know its hard I know how you feel but please seeing you this hurts me so much I wish I can all your pain away please tasleem I need you to be strong I said hugging her"I lost our baby Aslam I lost it I didn't even know I swear I would have tried my best to save our baby Noorie did this to me she killed our baby what did I ever do to her she said hugging me shhhhhhh the baby wasn't meant to stay we love our baby but Allah loves it more we can only pray for the baby I said I laid her down on bed getting her to sleep it hurts me to  see her like this

Noorie you'll wish you were dead by the time am done with you how can someone be so heartless like this and to even think she's family if there is anyone I despise so much its Noorie how can she do this is its unforgivable I won't forgive her for this she hurt tasleem and our baby she killed our baby I'll make sure she goes to jail for hurting my family I don't care that she'd family when she choose to do this she also didn't care that I was family so why should I care too.

I held tasleem's hand in mine kissing the back of her hand she looks so fragile I took out the letter she wrote me from my wallet where am going to keep it forever next to me I read it again and again ya Allah I love this woman

We are getting discharged today tasleem has been awfully quite since she woke up and I know she's still thinking about our baby and I don't blame her am also thinking of it I went to her room to get her I picked her up bridal style she kept telling me to put her down put I told her to keep shut or I'll kiss her in public that got her shut

We got home I picked her up taking her to my room I mean our room am moving her things to our room I went to the kitchen to get us something to eat I went back to our room with a tray we ate together actually I fed her after that I got her to take a shower then I put her back in bed I went to her room and got the presents she got me to open just to cheer her up and it did cheer her up she then pulled me to her putting her head on my chest then took my hand in hers "Aslam am sorry I lost our baby am sorry I couldn't save our baby she said "heyyyy I said raising her head to look into her eyes its not your fault stop saying sorry Allah gave us the baby he'll give us another one this one wasn't meant to stay so stop saying sorry I said then kissed her she kissed me back and then we fell asleep in each others arms.

Another chapter down done and dusted
I can't wait for my birthday
Am so happy 🔥😇😘😍❤

A special thanks to Zarah Aliyu Hamza
Maryam Mai
Rahma Zakari

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