Lucifer x male!reader (Part II)

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It's been 13 years since (Y/n) and Lucifer made up and become a couple again. Thirteen years of joy, laughter and many beautiful moments. Right now, the two are heading to the Happy Hotel because Charlie invited them to have lunch with she, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Baxter the castle's scientist, Husk the hotel's barman and Alastor the Radio Demon.

They are now in Lucifer's white limo having a little fun. All the windows are closed, including the one between the driver and the back sides, so Lucifer could dominate his partner as much as he wanted. (Y/n) sits in his lap, resting his head on one of the king's shoulders and his hands on his chest, while Lucifer holds his hips and enjoys the warmth of his partner's body, the taste of his neck's skin and his moans. "A-Ah ~ Lucifer! S-Stop! W-Who knows how much we have before we get to our dear doll... Ah ~!" "Mm ~ But why? You're so sweet. My dear, I'm addicted to you~" and he bit (Y/n)'s neck, sucking on it "A-Ah ~"

But to the disappointment of the hell's leader, the car arrived in front of the hotel and they were forced to put their clothes back on them and (Y/n) arrange Lucifer's hair a little, then entwined his own hair back. They got out of the car together, holding hands and climbing the stairs of the hotel that is run by Lucifer's daughter, Charlie. (Y/n) wasn't able to knock on the door, but he couldn't do that because the door is immediately wide open by Charile, who jumps into her father's lover's arms. "Daddy! (Y/n)! You're finally here!" "Haha! How could we don't come?" "To miss an opportunity to see our little sweet apple slice? Never!" Lucifer kissed his daughter's forehead. "Come on, come on! Baxter and Husk have just finished cooking! And today the hotel is closed, so we will have peace and quiet!" "Wow wow wooow.. What do you mean it's closed?" "We announced that we will take a short vacation, but customers can still make reservations. Now come on! Everyone is in the dining room!"

The two follow the young princess, glad to see her so happy. Three years ago, their little girls, Charlie and Vaggie, got married. On that day when Charlie and Vaggie asked each other, it was such a fun day and the most beautiful day of Lucifer and Lilith's life, but also for (Y/n) who was like a father for Charlie since he started to help here with the hotel. For Lucifer, it's still funny how the two grils wanted to ask each other at the same time. Both in knees in front of each other, both with a velvet box and each one containing a ring. Charlie with a white velvet box with a diamond golden ring and Vaggie with a red velvet box with a sapphire golden ring. They both looked so surprised at each other and shortly after they burst into tears and laughter. Such a beautiful moment.

~ after dinner ~

"Wow. The food was delicious. Which one of you cooked so well?" (Y/n) asks with a smile on his face. Since he made up with Lucifer, he didn't cooked so often in the hotel because Lucifer wanted (Y/n) close to him, so (Y/n) cooks at the Hotel when there are special events. "Baxter. I just helped him." Husk says, kissing his lover. "Well, it seems we have a little chef among us." Lucifer smiles at the scientist "I don't want to boast, but sir (Y/n) cooks much better than me. He is more like a master chef. I will never be able to beat him in cooking." "I can tell you honestly Baxter, you cook exceptionally." (Y/n) says with a smile on his lips. "Thank you! I'm going to bring desserts now! Husk, come and help me!" "I'm coming, love!" Lucifer laughed and Charlie looked at (Y/n) "You really made a good decision to let those two cook when you can't. Even if Baxter is a scientist, he cooks really good. And Husk as well." "Well my dear, I know who to let in my kitchen. I can let even Alastor in there, but not Angel. I'm sorry dearie." "Don't be! I almost burned Alastor's kitchen a week ago! I don't want to burt something else." Angel looked a little sad but Alastor kissed his boyfriend in confort, making the spider smile. "Aww~ Such cute couples in here!" (Y/n) says looking happy at the young ones. "But why did you say 'your kitchen'?" Lucifer asked "Because I told him that the hotel's kitchen is his. (Y/n) is the only person here who can cook without burning something." Charlie answered her dad's question.

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