Lucifer x crazy female!reader

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I don't know how well this chapter ended up but I hope you'll like it. I didn't know what action to do so I choosed somethig that will suit the crazy character requested by cheekasad (Wattpad).


The angels just left hell for the annual extermination and the streets of hell are just dead bodys and blood. But after every extermination, the fight for new territories start and each year is increasingly destructive. Cherri Bomb just won a fight against Sir Pentious, but her little sister, (Y/n), wasn't satisfied after she won a fight against a bitchy demoness. She wanted a real fight. So she thought to go for the 'big cheese'. "Hey sis! Going for a quick search! Wanna find a bigger territory for us to play on, sugar bomb!" she yells at her sister. "Sure thing, peppermint! But don't get your ass in troubles!" "Haha! Sure think! You should be the one that should be careful with that cutie snake!" and with that (Y/n) runed off to the 'mouses hideout'. After she arrived at her destination (Y/n) hided in the near forest and waited patiently for her target while charging her SmilingSlimeGun. But she haven't to wait long.

"And what would a young lady like you do here?" but in the next moment a slime bomb was shoot at him. The king blocked with his cane the little bomb from hitting his face. "Do you know with who you are dealing with, dearie~?" (Y/n) smiled like a demented person. "Well well well~ I actually know~" and she takes a bat out of her magic pocket. "The big daddy rat~" then she took an other slime bomb and hit it with the bat. Lucifer redirected all the attaks. For him this was like a game with a little kid, but it started to get boring after a hour. So he teleported behind (Y/n) and his snake coiled around the demoness.

She tryed to get out of the grip but the snake is coiled really tight. "I think the play time is over, my dear. It was really fun to have such an entertaining fight, but now answer me." he takes her chin between his fingers. "What are you doing here, young lady? Do you really know where you are and with who you were fighting or are you mad?" (Y/n) start laughting like crazy, then answered the king's question. "Well I died in a mental hospital after all~ Hahaha!!"

Lucifer looked a little at her then told her "Well, I suggest you to not take such risks, dear. But because I am in agood mood, if you wanna play some time feel free to come around." He smiled back, letting (Y/n) surprised by the devil's answer. "Well..." she thought a little "I'll accept your offer, your majesty." "Mabye we can go blow something up next time. I was always wondering how those things work out." and with that Lucifer wined Cherri Bomb's sister. She told him that mabye next week they could go to blow things up so she could make the bombs. After all, before she was locked up in the mental hospital, (Y/n) was a bomb maker for military forces. But after her superior told her in front of everyone that she was a psycho for making nuclear bombs at a very dangerous radiation level, she got so mad that she killed the man by opening his mouth and making him swallow a small bomb. So she ended up locked up and died the same why she killed that man. She swallowed a bomb. (Y/n) thought death it was a much better option then being treated like a wild animal.

Lucifer waked up (Y/n) from her memories and smiled. "I think is time to go back home, dearie~" "Oh yeah! Thanks for playing with me! See ya next week your majesty!" and she went back home. Well, not without blowing some demons on her way.


Hope you liked the chapter and sorry for being so short. See ya with a new chapter. Or chapters. I got a lot of requests since  I had to take a break to focus more on the university. So be prepared for a lot of stories to read!

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