Lucifer x female human!reader (Part II)

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Hello guys! So this is the first version for part two of "Lucifer x female human!reader" requested by ThatOneWeeb1979 (from Wattpad). The first chapter was also requested by ThatOneWeeb1979 (from Wattpad). In this first version is still about the big sister who saved his little brother from Lucifer and she ended up having a really fun time with the devil. Enjoy!

"Big sister, please don't die on me! Please!" "D-Don't worry about me.. I-I'm happy that you weren't hit by that car.. B-But please, t-take care of my sweet little angels.. I only trust you, baby bro.." She didn't regret it. She saved her brother from being hit by a drunk driver when he went to buy some ice cream for her little angels. A cute pair of twins, one girl and one boy. (Y/n) knew that her brother will take care of them as they were his own kids. And you are asking why she died? Because the fucking ambulance arrived too late to save their patient.

~ in Hell, in Lucifer's study room ~

The king was doing his paperwork while having a phone conversation with Karma, one of the most powerful overlords in hell. "Lucifer are you really sure that you are okay? I know that I'm asking you this for a year, but I know how hard is to get a divorce. I mean, look at me! I have 35 ex-husbands and 10 ex-wifes!" "Karma, I'm fine! Lilith and I had those fights for over six centuries. We both need a fucking long break. She can't stop having over one hundred partners every day because of her succubus instinct and I can understand that." Lucifer finished his work and put everything in order. "Yeah, but she crossed the line when she did it in your bed without caring that she left the door open." before Lucifer could answer Karma, from nowhere, a demoness appeared in his study room and hit the floor. "Karma? I'll call you back later. Something just... need my attention." and with that Lucifer ended the call.

He went to help the new arrivel demon to get up. It was a beautiful (s/c) demoness, dressed in a long sexy dress (the one I putted as the chapter's image) with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. "Easy my dear. Welcome to Hell. It's really a surprise that you fallen right in my palace." "S-Sorry sir.. I just.. L-Lucifer?" the demoness looked surprised that he is the first demon whom she meets down there. "Have we wet before, dearie?" "Well, if my little bro won't have summoned you years ago, we really wouldn't have known each other~" she giggled. Lucifer look at her for a minute then the light went on in his head. "(Y/n)?!" "That's my name, sweet apple pie~"

He was so happy to see her again that he took her in his arms and kissed the young demoness. "I can't belive it! But wait a second! Why are you down here?!" (Y/n) start laughting and kissed Lucifer's nose. "Because I chosed to die so I could save my brother from being killed by a drunk driver." Lucifer went with her in his amrs back to his desk, putting her on his lap. "You two got in a fight or what?" "No. We were really good. He was going to buy something sweet for my little angels when that fucker wanted to make my bro a living pie on the street." "Oh, I understand. Wait a second, your little angels?!" Lucifer watched her in shock. "Yes. I got married and have a baby girl and a baby boy. Both twins. If you could see how cute they are.." she started to be sad.

Lucifer kissed her, trying to make her a little happy. "Well, now that you are here, you could stay with me in the palace. I won't mind someone to spend my time with now that I'm divorced." "Wait! You divorced?!" both of them start to laught. "We really have to catch up with everything." "Well.. I have an idea how we can catch it~"

~ after five hours of sex ~

"I-I'm close, dear~" "Ah~ Just fill me, daddy~" and after they reached their climax, both of them fallen exhausted on the bed. "Well that was one of a hell of a catch up with everything from the time we haven't seen each other. And I'm sorry to hear what happened to you after our night together.. And sorry that you and your husband can't see each other too soon..." Lucifer kissed (Y/n)'s forehead, holding her in his arms. "It's okay. I think this time he will confess to my bro his feelings. And yes. Me and my husband were thinking to include my brother into our marriage. He loves me and my brother equally so we could be happy together. And to stop my bro to go to those night clubs. I know he is an adult now, but he will always be my little brother."

She smiled at her king, putting her head on his chest, purring like a kitty. "Well we could see what they are doing if you want too." Lucifer told (Y/n) and use his magic to make a mirror to appear in front of them. "Your choise, my love~" and he kiss his sweet girl's cheek, waiting for her answer. "Y-You really want to.. I-I really can.." "Haha. Yes dear. Why won't I make my beloved sweetheart's wishes come true?"

(Y/n) was so happy that she squeezed Lucifer in her arms, thanking him over and over again. The king moved his free hand in front of the mirror and in the next second, the magic mirror was showing them (Y/n)'s husband on his knees with her brother's hand in his own. Her brother's face was full with tears and he was telling the man in front of him to let him go. "Please.. Just live me alone! It's my fault that she is dead! I-If it wasn't.. If I won't have been born! She would stiil be alive! She would be here with you and your sweet kids! They are now orphans of their mother and it's all my fault!" he was crying so hard, he barely could stand up on his legs. "No it's not your fault. She always loved you and she did it just to know that you are safe! I could blame myself because I wasn't there for you four. But I'm here, trying to calm you down and to tell you that everything will be okay and that I love you, baby boy."

"Yes! tell him! Make mama proud!" (Y/n) yelled at the mirror. "Wow, your brother really changed in those years. But still cute." Lucifer said while taking some popcorn from god knows where and gives (Y/n) some. "W-What..? B-But you.." "Yes, I know I was married with your sister, but I couldn't hide from her my feelings that I had and still have for both of you. This supposed to be done with her too, but I know if I don't do it now she will kick my ass from where she is right now. So.."

"Just do it! There are four word that you have to say!" (Y/n) started to scare Lucifer a little, but he had an idea to calm here a little. Or at least to make here scream from something else. "My dear~" "A-Ah~!" "Calm down a little, will ya~?" he whispered in her year while thrusting his hard cock back in her wet pussy. "Will you marry me, baby boy?" they heard (Y/n)'s husband finally asking the gold question. And what followed made her day even beautiful. He accepted and kissed his fiancé. "Aww~ Hope they put the kids at sleep so they won't hear those two making love." "Haha! Stop worrying so much my dear. If you'd like, I could trick one of them to summon me and we could go and visit them." "Ngh~ M-Mabye after my brother will forgive himself for something he didn't committed. He will blame himself for this at least a week." she told Lucifer while turning around and topping the devil. "But now~ You started this, you are going to take the responsability and finish it, dear~" "Be careful what you wish for, darling. You may end up with three husband, two already born kids and more coming soon~" he smirked and start their second round of fun while her brother and husband were having their own.

Lucifer was thrusting faster while biting his new lover's chest and (Y/n) was clawing the king's back whilst moaning dirty things into the devil's ear. That made Lucifer so horny that he couldn't restrain himself from ravishing his partner until they dropped exhausted on the bed. They giggled and put the covers over them and went to sleep.

Hope you like it and see ya soon with the second version of the secon part of "Lucifer x female human!reader".

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