Lucifer x victorian male!reader (Part II)

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Hello guys! The first part of this chapter was requested by Lords_of_Darkness (from Wattpad) and this part was requested by LuciusSnape666 (from Wattpad). Enjoy!

P.S.: This may be a really fucking long chapter because my inspiration comed back, but also this time I think I'll be able to write a better sex/love scene. Or that is wat I hope for. Enjoy!

After Lilith found out that her husband and best friend were in love, she was so happy that their family grown a little more. But things start to be... complicated. Lucifer start to have more and more paperwork and meetings because God thought that Hell's population grows too much and there was almost a war between Hell and Heaven if (Y/n) wouldn't have scared the shit out of God's little helper, who by the way it was (Y/n)'s ex-lover who also killed him. God could have just started the war at that point, but he didn't want his little helper to get hurt so he just told Lucifer to do something. Extend Hell's terirtory or to be two exterminations every year.

Lucifer, of course, decided to extend Hell and after creating the new lands, he and the other overlords were thinking who they should choose to rule the new territorys.

~ a year ago ~

"I think we should choose powerful demons like us to rule over the new lands, your majesty. Me, Alastor, Vox, Valentino, Stolas and queen Lilith already have the old lands around the center of Hell that is yours, king Lucifer." Karma, one of the very powerful overlords put the most importent question. "Not to mention that princess Charlie has to stay here with you, your majesty. She will be the next ruler of all Hell. So she need to stay near you to learn." Stolas continued.

So everyone started to think about posible overlords that could rule the new realms. After some hours they barely could come with a few names. Now they had to discuss about each chosen demon. "Okay. Valentino? Who do you think is a posible candidate?" Lucifer asked. "Your majesty, all the overlords I know in my territory aren't good for this kind of position. But there is one demon that I think it could be qualified for this position." "Please don't say is Angel." Alastor prayed. "No, dearie. I don't want my sweet Angel to get hurt or anything. The demon I choose is an old friend of mine." He put the demon's file on the table so everyone could look at the infos.

Name: Twilight Pupppetry;
Nicknames: The Puppeteer, The Prince of Strings, Twily (for friends);
Death: 1869;
Cause of death: hunged with the strings of his puppets;
Species: porcelain puppet Demon;
Gender: Male;Age: 24;
Abilities: controlling his victims minds and bodys with magical strings, becoming a shadow, singing lullabies that brain wash his victims;
Occupation: singing normal lullabies, making possessed puppets and dolls, reading in stars;

"Wait. Isn't that one.." "Yes it is, my dear Lilith. It's Michael's ex-boyfriend. Still crying after my idiotic brother?" Lucifer asked Valentino. "Trying his best to forget him, but is hard when he really was in love with that angel." "Well, from me is a yes for Twily. I think he will do a really good job." Lilith smiled at her husband and all of them agreed with their queen. "Okay. One was choosed. Stolas?" "I have two demons, my king." He put one file on the table.

Name: Yvrinoska Miroosky;
Nicknames: Poison Ivy, Yvri (for friends);
Death: 1977;
Cause of death: forced to eat poison ivy until;
Species: plant demon;
Gender: female;Age: 18;
Abilities: controlling plants, poisonos kisses because of the poison ivy she was forced to eat before she died;
Occupation: gardening, collecting and using dead demons as her flower pots;

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