Lucifer x male human!reader

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Chapter reuested by Lords_of_Darkness (wattpad). This is an alternative version for the chapters requested by ThatOneWeeb1979 (wattpad). The first chapter was about the female!reader's little brother who tryed to sommen Lucifer, but his sister sended him to he's room, she ended up meeting the devil and got „punished" by him. In the second one, she ended up in hell after saving her brother from death's way. She was send directly to Lucifer and they enjoyed their time together, then they watched her husband telling her brother the truth that he and the female!reader wanted to ask him to be with them in their marriage because they loved him very much.

Now, after this short remainder, we will see what will happen if her brother dies instead of her and what Lucifer will do. Also, in this chapter, Lilith and Lucifer are divorced.


(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

Where am I? Why is everything black around me? Oh, wait... Am I dead? I think I am... Tha last think I remember is that I was with my sister, her husband and their baby twins in the park. The kids were playing with their ball near us and I said that I'll be back in a second because I wanted to get the kids some ice cream. But after I got the ice creams, I heard my sister screaming after them. All I can remember after that is that I run as fast as I could and pushed them out of a truck's way. I hope the kids, my sister and my brother-in-law are ok and safe. I kinda deserved this after everything I've put my sister thru...

„Hey little one. Can you open your eyes?" someone asked. It's sounds like a male. Is he talking to me? „Come on, little butterfly. You can do it~" Now I'm sure he's talking to me because I can feel a soft hand on my cheek. Well, I think is a hand, but his fingers feel like claws. I slowly opened my eyes and all I see in front of my eyes is an angelic face. Am I in heaven? I think is a mistake if I ended up in heaven. „Haha!" he starts laughing. „You're not in heaven, dearie~ You are right in hell. Even if you saved your sister's kids, you still have a lot of sins on your shoulders."

He told me and helped me get up. I'm in a room full red and white with many pictures. It looks lovely, but I still think I'm in heaven. „Um... Are you sure about being in hell? Sorry if I offend you, but this room and your looks give me the vibe that I'm in heaven. You look like an angel, mister." I told him, making the man in front of me to giggle. „Your sister was right. You are cute. And quite charming~" he said, making me blush. But wait a god damn second! „How can you know my sister?!" I tried to get away from him, but he took me in a hug. The demon in front of me told me that years ago, when I tried to summon him, his sister ended up alone in the room with him and after some fun time, she asked him if he could take care of me if I'll ever end up in hell when I'll die. Then he told me that every year he and her met in a cabin in a forest where they talked and spend some time together. He even met her husband! And they are know like best buddies.

„Wait, wait, wait!!! So you are telling me that you are Lucifer." „Yes dear." „The ritual worked." „Quite excellent. You did a really good job there." „My sister took my place in the punishment. You know her for years. You even know her HUSBAND! And I'm still asking... Why! Would the king of hell, take care of a sinner. A human because I can see in the mirror behind you that I still look the same as if I'm alive. Why would..." he stopped me from talking by kissing me. He shocked me with his gesture. With the fact that his lips are so soft. With the fact that they taste like apples. And I could ask myself so many more questions. But he broke the kiss and took my face between his hands. „You think too much, my dear boy~" and with that he took me out of that room into a big hall and dragged me downstairs into a super big leaving room where is a huge mirror.

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