Lucifer x mute male!reader

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This chapter was requested by LuciusSnape666 (Wattpad). What our mute character will say will be written with italic. Hope you'll like the chapter and enjoy reading.

"And this is the last garden you'll have to tae care of. Oh, and be careful with this one. Is the king's most precious flower garden." Baxter tells the new royal gardener. (Y/n) nod his head, then Baxter left back to his lab and (Y/n) started his work. He look at the beautiful garden and went to take care of the roses. He cuted the dead leafs, water the flowers and put new soil when he found a brocken rose. He went to pick it up. "Hello little one. What happened to you, sweetie? Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'll heal you so you will grow with your friends." but when he wanted to heal the little rose, a strong dominant voice was heared from behind him.

"What have you done to my roses..?!" It was Lucifer himself who looked very angry. (Y/n) tryed to explain that he didn't hurt the little rose, but the young gardener remembered that he can't talk so hewanted to take out of his pocket a notebook when all of a sudden, his little body was picked up from the ground. The devil took the poor boy by his throat while his own eyes start to glow in pure white. "How dare you touch my.." he couldn't finish his sentence because one of his pythons bited his hand to calm his master down. Lucifer droped the boy and look at his snake like they were having a conversation.

The king nodded and look at the royal gardener "So you are the new gardener. I suggest you to not hurt anything in this garden if you wish to not be erased." then his eyes glowed white ones more. "Now live!" and with that (Y/n) ran home with the little rose.

~ three hour later ~

After Lucifer finished his paperwork, his python, Amon, went on his lap. "Okay... So why did you stoped me? He hurt my beautiful roses." "He didn't, your majesty. He tryed to heal the little one." At that point, Luifer didn't know what to say or how to react. He just watched Amon getting to the bookshelf and bring him a book about 'Gods, Goddesses and their creations'. After the snake put the book on his master's desk. Lucifer watched confused as the old book open it self at one of the secret chapters about two goddesess. Before he could read it, he felt a strange presence in his rose garden.

~ in the rose garden ~

(Y/n) was healing the little rose and watched how its roots were growing back into the ground. The little flower started to get more color in its petals, meaning that the rose was getting better. "Aww~ I'm so happy that you feel better, my dear~" he smiled. "I'm sorry my dear that I can't stay anylonger to chat with you. I have to get out of here before his majesty will find me here. We will see each other in the morning!" but what (Y/n) didn't know it was that Lucifer was already behide him, his eyes glowing red of anger. "I thought that I told you not to come again here to harm my dear roses!"

Before (Y/n) could react, Lucifer grabbed his neck with one hand and draged the poor gardener into the palace. When he entered his study room, Lucifer slammed (Y/n) on the red divan, then got on top of him. "You won't get out of this one. I'll punish you for disregarding my orders." and before (Y/n) could defend himself, his clothes were ripped off of him, then he was draged off of the divan, between Lucifer's legs. "Still not talking? You really don't know to defend yourself or are you remaining silent because I'm the devil and I can kill you any second?"

The young demon snatched hands from the devil's grasp and used the sign language to alk to the king. "Your majesty, please! I didn't hurt your rose! The little one hand its roots broken and I healed the little one. I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially flower, plants and animals." "Wait what?" Lucifer looked even more confused at the young demon. "Your majesty, I can't.." "Wait a second. Let me understand this.." Lucifer put (Y/n) back on the divan next to him. "You couldn't talk back because you really can't talk.. because you are mute?" "Yes your majesty." "And you wanted to heal and protect the little rose. AND my precious Amon tryed to protect you from me. Why?" "Well.. I have since birth some kind of conection with nature."

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