Where everything started

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Toni was a normal girl, she went to school like everyone else. But something was different about her; she didnt want anything the other kids had- she just wanted to write stories. Unfortunately Toni had no ideas for her stories. So lets get on with the story why dont we.

Toni wakes up on a Saturday afternoon like any other day, but something wasnt right today. Toni starred at her ceiling, seeing small light beams shine as everything came into focus she tried to sit up; but she couldnt move. "Why cant I move" she thought. A couple seconds pass by as she is still struggling to say something- anything- or even sit up; before a darkness emerges from the corner of Toni's room, she tried to scream- but nothing came out. "WHAT IS THAT?!" She panicked in her thoughts. The air fills with darkness, and a figure darker then the night sky moved forward as if out of thin air. Toni, still panicking in her thoughts, saw this and began breathing heavily as the dark figure moved towards her; Right before the shadow made it to Toni it disappeared, and along with it the darkness that surrounded it- like it was all being sucked into a huge vacuum. Toni had shot up from the bed as soon as it disappeared, she started screaming, her knees slammed against her chest, she was trying to comfort herself. Her mom ran in the room and over to Toni placing her hand on Toni's shoulder with a loving mothers touch. "What's wrong?!" Her mom asked giving her a hug. "I dont know" she said quietly with tears making pools on her eyes and streaming down her face like little water falls. Her mom brushed Toni's hair behind her ear. "Its okay. I'm here now." as her mom said this Toni hug her tightly.

About 2 hours later

By now Toni had calmed down, and she was also doing her normal weekend homework from her History teacher. "Ugh, why does this old hag have to give us homework every weekend" she asks Emily, her friend whom she is on video chat with studying for a test they have the following week. "Maybe she just has nothing better to do with her time then to grade papers" Emily sighs. "Toni! c'mon you have practice" Toni's mother yelled from the other room. "Gotta go Emily we can finish tomorrow." "Okay bye."
Emily replied. "Bye" Toni said as she hung up and put her stuff in her bag. "Okay mom- I'm ready" she says as she grabs her gym bag and speeds out the door to the car.

At practice

Toni got the practice early so she had time to go warm-up as the other girls arrived; She was on the varsity basketball team this year so she didnt want to mess up by pulling a muscle so she started with some stretches.

By the time Toni was done stretching the rest of the team was there, varsity and JV. "Okay team! We are gonna start with some simple sprints." the coach blew the whistle and with it the whole team sighed in agony. The first practice of the year and they are starting off with sprints.
As the team ran the coach watched, and the slow runners were told to sit. Luckily Toni was a very fast runner because she took track for 5 years before deciding to tryout for basketball. The ones who were told to sit would be put on JV and the ones who could run the fastest would be put on Varsity.

They had to switch everything up cause last year 2 girls from varisity made us lose the championship due to them not being able to run fast enough.  Rookie mistake.

By the time practice was over I was exhausted. I was ready to go home and then I got a text from my mom.

Mom: "Hey, I cant pick you up you gotta walk sweetie."

Toni: "that's a 25 minute walk and its almost dark, why cant you pick me up???"

Mom: "Busy at work sorry honey 😟"

Toni: "its okay. But if I get kidnapped its your fault 👀👀"

Toni looked up from her phone and the top cheerleader was walking towards her.
"Clarke. Lynn. Marie." Toni thought to herself

"Move dork!" Clarke pushed a JV player out of her way as she was marching directly towards Toni.
"Okay what the f*ck did I do?!" Toni said backing up tripping over the bleachers falling in between 2 of them.
Clarke grabbed Toni's hand and yanked her up on to her feet. "I heard your good at advanced math." Clarke said and crossed her arms. "That I am." Toni said nervously. "I need you to tutor me. Ill be at your house Tommrow at 2." Clarke walked away before Toni could say anything. "What. The. F*ck." Toni thought to herself as she made her way out of the gym.


Did you guys like the first chapter?? Im gonna try to update it as much as possible but I do have school so please be patient.
TYSM for reading!

The chilling adventures: of Toni and ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now