Why did this have to happen.

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Toni got in her car, placed her bag in the passenger seat and buckled in, and off she was to school.

At school Toni had a free period for the first block so she decided to put her stuff in her locker and go to the library. What a big mistake that would be.
Toni walked into the library and immediately was drawn to the fiction section. She loved how everything in fiction books would come together in the end, how every thing worked well, and usually ended happily. Unlike most parts of her life. Toni began looking at books until she found one about 2 princesses. "Who knew their could be a gay princess" she said quietly. She took it over to a table and opened it up, as a note fell out. "I wish I could tell her how I feel" Toni read this and began to wonder who put it there- and how long ago it was put there- maybe even who they were talking about. So Toni had made it her lifes mission to find out who had the book last, so she did the smart thing and checked the book out to get the log of who has had the book. "This note looks fresh- maybe it was the last person" so she got the log and read down the list. "Greg- no. Harry- no. Gwen- I dont even think she goes here anymore. Clarke- huh?" Toni thought to herself as she read over Clarke's name 4 times to make sure she wasnt seeing things. "Is Clarke- into girls?" Toni asked herself quietly. Then she heard footsteps pacing towards her. Toni looked behind her and there she was- Clarke. Toni quickly hid behind a shelf before Clarke could figure out who was there. Clarke began looking through the fiction section. "F*ck- someone grabbed the book already" she ran her hand through her hair pulling it back from the top. "They couldnt possibly figure out the note was mine right? Or that it was about Ton-" Clarke looked over and spotted Toni and she pretended to be reading the book. "Hey dork! Give me that book!" Clarke shouted across the library and then began pacing over to Toni while being shushed by the librarian. "Woah dude. I checked it out." Toni said backing up. "Gimme it!" She grabbed the book and flipped to the page the note was on. "Where's the note." Clarke asked demanding an answer. "What note?" Toni asked. "Ughhh" she pushed the book back into Toni's arms and stormed off. "Was she about to say my name....???" Toni asked herself in her head. "What the f*ck is going on?"

The chilling adventures: of Toni and ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now