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  Going to school the next day was the last thing that Phil wanted to do. Having to face Dan would definitely be awkward, maybe only on his part, but nonetheless.

  He hadn't been able to get that dream out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. Everytime he closed his eyes, he could feel the hot heat of Dan kissing him and taste the metallic blood being forced into his mouth. It was like some sort of gory wet dream playing over and over again against his will. It was driving him crazy.

  But he couldn't start missing days just because he was scared. No, he wasn't scared, just nervous. About what, he didn't exactly know. It wasn't as if Dan could possibly know about the dream, or anything Phil had done afterwards. He didn't even know that Phil was obsessing over him like this, or at least Phil thought he didn't know. It wasn't as if Dan could possibly know about the dream, or anything Phil had done afterwards. He didn't even know that Phil obsessing over him like this, or at least Phil thought he didn't know.

  And so it was early in the morning that Phil stood in front of the school, his stare wary and his stomach uneasy. There were other students all around him, pushing and yelling to get through the front doors as quick as possible, but Phil remained still. He was hesitating, stalling his time because his stomach was twisting the wrong way. But he couldn't put it off for too long, because the bell rang and he had to get to class before he was late.

  He was glad he didn't see Dan until second period, because he surely wasn't prepared to see him just yet. And he had some time to mentally prepare himself, so he wasn't acting too weird around Dan. He couldn't pay attention in class for the life of him, the overly perky teacher up front doing nothing but bore him senseless. He chose instead to doodle aimlessly in his notebook, trying his hardest not to draw the images that were constantly were flicking through his head.

  But even when the period had ended, Phil wasn't ready. He was a sweaty mess, his hands constantly rubbing against his pants leg to wipe the moisture from them. Why was he so anxious? Just thinking about Dan sent his stomach into a nervous frenzy, and he could barely breathe around the lump in his throat. He needed to get it together, or Dan would definitely know something was up.

  Shaking his head, he took a deep breath and pulled open the door of the classroom.

  As usual, the teacher was late getting to class, which meant all the other kids were out of their seats being as loud as possible. There were students who weren't even in this class, wasting their lunch to see their friends. And sitting all the way in the back was Dan, his head buried in his hands, as if he had a migraine. Hell, maybe he did. His leg was bouncing underneath the desk agitatedly, and Phil could see from here that his whole body was tense.

  Images started flashing through his head instantly, of a certain pair of hands running heavily over his body, legs tangling with his own...

  Phil bit his lip, dispelling the thoughts quickly before making his way over to where Dan was sitting. He had maybe only a few minutes before the teacher showed up and he had to go to his own seat.

  "You don't look like you're enjoying yourself too much." Phil said, crouching down beside the desk, and trying not to shiver when Dan looked up at him. He smiled somewhat crookedly.

  "Oh, please. I'm having the time of my life right now." Dan muttered. His eyes were dark, darker than their usual brown, and Phil had a flash of those eyes turning completely black, even the whites.

  "Looks like it." Phil laughed, pushing the image away. "But seriously, you okay?"

  "Not at all." Dan replied, running his fingers through his hair roughly. "I didn't get any sleep last, do you see these bags under my eyes? Not a good look. And why do they have to be so loud?"

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