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  Phil was scared. He had no idea what was going on, and why it had anything to do with him, and he hated being out of the loop.

  Dan hadn't said a word to him since they'd started waking to Phil's house, his face a blank mask if indifference that did nothing to calm Phil's nerves. He was still pretty shaken up from his lethal encounter with Zoe, and was nervous still about whatever it was Dan wanted him to know. He'd been curious before, but now he was wary.

  What the hell was so adequately important that it was dangerous for Phil to know? Was there some sort of dark past of Dan's, that Phil had no business getting into. Like some sort of Mafia, or maybe he was some kind of criminal. It would explain why Dan was so withdrawn, he wouldn't want anyone digging into his past.

  That was stupid, the boy was eighteen. And his personality definitely wasn't one of a criminal.

  He didn't have time to come up with any illogical scenarios, because they eventually reached Phil's house. He wished he didn't live so close by, it was really inconvenient at times.

  They walked into the empty house, Phil leading the still silent Dan up to his room. This may have been the only time that Phil actually wished his parents were home, so that if something went wrong, he'd at least have them for support.

  Phil closed the door behind him, leaning against it and watching Dan pace the room restlessly. He didn't dare break the resolute silence between them, mostly because he didn't know what to say in a situation like this.

  "Okay." Dan finally said, mostly to himself, and then faced Phil. His face was set in a determined line, and his body was tense. "Alright, I'm going to tell you everything, Phil. But you have to promise, to let me explain everything before you throw in your own commentary."

  Phil stared at him blankly for a second, but nodded in agreement. "I swear."

  "Yeah, alright." Dan muttered, running his fingers through his hair and letting out a frustrated sigh. "I have no idea how to start this."

  "Just start from the beginning." Phil suggested, and Dan seemed to almost laugh at that.

  "You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you." Dan pressed. Phil rolled his eyes. He was starting to get agitated by all of these warnings.

  "Just tell me, Dan." he said.

  Dan swallowed uneasily, crossing his hands behind his head. "Okay. Please, just, don't laugh, or call me crazy." Phil nodded. "The beginning, uh... okay, so, the first thing you really need to know is that, I'm not.... exactly, one hundred percent, human."

  There was silence between them, with Dan anxiously awaiting Phil's response, and Phil completely processing what had been said. He bit his lip, shook his head, and started laughing.

  Dan stared at him dumbfoundedly, as Phil giggled uncontrollably, his head falling back against the wall.

  "Oh, that's a great fucking excuse." he wheezed. He looked over at Dan in amusement, but paused when Dan just stared at him. He scoffed. "Please, Dan, you can't really expect me to believe that you're some.... vampire or alien, or something."

  Dan sighed. "Look, I know it sounds really stupid, but I'm telling you the truth."

  "Are you high, or something?" Phil asked in exasperation. "Trying to sell me this bullshit story, like I'm an idiot."

  "Phil, you promised you'd let me explain before-"

  "Fuck off, Dan." Phil said. "You know, I actually thought I might be getting some answers out of you, but I guess I'm just not good enough for that, huh?"

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