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Warning: slight sexual content (mostly kissing but yeah, still pretty intense).


Of course, with his new knowledge of this other world of demons and such, Phil started to see things much more differently. Around him in the world, in people, and just everything in general.

It seemed a lot more dark. The idea of humanity was questionable for him now; it seemed fragile and not at all important, despite the fact that he was just as well apart of it. Because what was the point of it, being human in this fucked up world? To live and work and stress about stupid things, and then die and be forgotten, no matter the mark you left in the world. No one was important.

But Dan remained the same in his eyes. Impossibly attractive and alluring, just with a hint of something more sinister. Honestly, it just made him even hotter, and Phil felt so damn disgusted that he was actually turned on by something like that.

Him and Dan didn't bring up the 'issue' all that much, because it was very taboo, and could really get Dan into trouble. If he wasn't already, Phil suspected his (family, clan, whatever they were called) already knew about Phil's new information. They weren't exactly stupid.

And as for their relationship status, well, frankly, it was starting to piss Phil off.

They were on and off constantly, and Dan had mood swings that gave him a whiplash. One minute, Dan would be literally underneath him, panting and moaning as Phil kissed him everywhere, and then he'd be gone, with no mention of anything that ever happened between them. Phil was frustrated, in every way imaginable, and the stress wasn't doing anything good for him.

He knew what Dan's problem was. He didn't want to defy the very important rule of the no human/demon interaction, for fear of anything bad happening to his family or Phil. From what he'd told Phil, the hunters that were on their trail could easily track them down that way, and it was risky as hell to even talk to Phil. But he couldn't fight his own wants and desires, and he pushed the limits as far as possible.

And at first, Phil had understood. But he was getting irritated and needy, and dammit, getting off by himself just wasn't doing it for him anymore.

Things were getting much more complicated than he'd first anticipated.

He felt... useless. In the grand scheme of things, he was about as significant as dirt, and played no real part in anything.

But none of this, as pitiful as it was, stopped him from smiling whenever he saw Dan, stopped the flutter in his stomach whenever Dan laughed, the electric jolt that shot through him when they brushed arms. And none of it could ever make him stop the kissing and the touching, and God, he was in so deep.

At the moment, Phil was walking home after another long and mind numbingly boring day at school, and Dan had insisted on walking with him. Phil had tried to stop him, with little effort, and now he could barely keep his hands to himself as Dan kept stepping just a little too close, enough to make Phil dizzy with his smell. When the hell had he ever noticed someone's smell?

Dan was talking, but Phil wasn't listening, staring at his lips and his nose, the way his hair ruffled slightly in the wind.

"...And I swear, it was ten inches, straight up my ass." Dan said evenly, and Phil snapped out of his pathetic haze, staring at Dan in shock.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked in exasperation, but Dan only laughed.

"You weren't listening." He answered. "I had to get your attention."

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