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"I don't think that's how you properly eat a banana, Dan." Phil said amusedly, watching as the other boy continued to unsuccessfully deep throat the fruit. He kept choking, his face turning red with the effort.

"Yeah, well, I don't like conforming to the rules of society." Dan replied, trying a different angle.

  They hadn't yet brought up the events of the night before, which Phil  was entirely grateful for. He didn't want to be reminded of how desperate he was, how low he could possibly sink. And he was glad that Dan didn't seem to think any different of him, either. Phil even had the thought in the back of his mind that it had all been a very vivid dream, but he could vaguely see the small marks from his teeth on Dan's back, barely covered by his collar.

  He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of Dan retching violently beside him his face turning red.

  "You're gonna kill yourself, give me that." Phil demanded, snatching the banana from him and throwing it across the lot. Dan wiped his mouth, smiling at Phil widely.

  "Oh, please, don't act like you weren't enjoying the view." Dan said. Phil scowled at him, but he could feel his face heating up. He'd be lying if he said he hasn't been slightly intrigued by the sight, Dan's lips wrapped around the slick surface, his cheeks pink and hollowed out...

  Phil shook his head, his face burning even harder. He'd been thinking like that too much lately, and it was really exhausting. He needed more self control to get him through the day than he ever realized he possessed. He hated having to hold himself back so much, it was a physical effort that constantly had him anxious. But it was a necessary effort and he couldn't do anything about that.

  "Can I say something?" Dan asked suddenly, and Phil looked over at him expectantly.

  "Depends on what it is." Phil said, smiling at him. Dan laughed, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.

  "I just..... wanted to say that, I really appreciate you."

  Phil paused for a second, before laughing shortly. "Um, thanks I guess."

  "I mean," Dan said, obviously flustered, not looking at Phil directly. "You're a really cool person, and stuff, and I'm really glad that you've put up with me for so long. I know I might not be the best, but I think you're pretty amazing for sticking around. Most people don't." he paused, his face slightly red and his leg bouncing nervously. Phil stared at him, trying to process everything he'd just said, and smiled softly.

  "Thanks." he said. "You're pretty amazing, too." Dan glanced over at him, his hair hanging over his eyes, and Phil had to clench his hands to keep from reaching out and brushing it aside.

  "And I know that... what we have might not be exactly 'stable', but I also don't want you to think that you're not something important to me. Cause you are. Majorly important." Dan continued. Phil touched his shoulder gently and Dan looked at him, almost surprised.

  "It's fine, Dan." Phil said. "We're fine."

  This was the first time that Dan had clearly acknowledged the more intimate side of their relationship. Phil was both happy and anxious about that, because he was sure that it would break some sort of unspoken wall between them, that would most likely never be rebuilt.


  The end of the day was something that Phil relished. It wasn't his favorite past time, sitting in a stuffy classroom, borderline asleep.

  He was walking home, as usual, and was just at the end of the first block when the squeal of tires sounded behind him, and a red sports car skidded to a stop in front of him, not three inches away. The passenger door opened, and Dan jumped out, rushing over to Phil, who had no idea what the hell was going on.

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