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  Surprisingly, things weren't too awkward between them after that. They were cautious not to bring it up around each other, but even if they had managed to move past is, Phil was still bitter. He had these feelings now, running through his veins and his body, driving him crazy. He was dealing with way more than he could handle, and the weight of it was getting heavier everyday.

  He kept it to himself, of course. There was no need for anyone else to know about this. And he was sure there was nothing they could do to help anyway. No, he'd much rather deal with it on his own.

  He only had a year left. A year, plus the few months left in this one, until he was out, and he'd probably never see Dan again. It was a petty high school crush Phil told himself constantly, nothing more than teenage hormones. He didn't need to be so worked up about it, it was sure to go away soon. But until then, he was suffering and as much as he hated to admit it, he kind of enjoyed it. It was a rush, making his heart race and his head spin, and more than a few times had he gotten turned on at just the thought of Dan with his sexy smirk and that dammed look in his eyes that made Phil want to get closer.

  He was staring at him now, staring at his lips as he talked, but Phil had stopped listening long ago. That mouth was hypnotizing, the way it curled around every word Dan said. They looked soft. Were soft, Phil remembered absently, as they moved against his own firmly, just the hint of his tongue brushing against Phil's and making him needy, the pressure of his hands only adding to the intense pleasure that was slowly tearing him apart and-

  "You're not even listening, are you?" Dan said suddenly, and Phil snapped back into reality, blushing at where his thoughts had been going. His sexual frustration was growing these days, almost to the point of uncontrollable.

  "Sorry." He admitted shamefully. "I just, have a lot on my mind."

  "What could possibly be more important than me?" Dan asked, smirking and making Phil clench his teeth. The boy didn't even know the effect he had on Phil, and it was irritating that he did it without trying.

  "Oh, excuse my rudeness, good sir." Phil said mockingly, bowing his head. "There is surely nothing more important than your well being."

  Dan laughed, shaking his head, and Phil smiled, staring at his throat and wondering how the hell a throat could be so damn fine.

  "I want to ask you something serious." Dan said, still grinning, but there was a flicker of something else in his eyes, like concern.

  "Alright." Phil said, somewhat nervously. "Shoot."

  "Okay, don't weird out or anything. I'm just really curious." Dan warned, and Phil nodded for him to continue. "Okay just... have you ever had a boyfriend?"

  Well, he wasn't expecting that. He wasn't used to people wanting to know anything about his personal life, but it seemed like Dan already knew more about him than his own parents. Phil wasn't one to just give out that kind of information either, but Dan had completely wrecked that.

  "Uh..." He started, trying to shake off the surprise at the sudden question. "I mean, yeah, it's kind of a given, being in high school. I'm not a prude. Not in a while, though, it's not like there are too many guys around here that are interested in other guys." He shrugged halfheartedly, glancing up at Dan, who was nodding, staring at the ground. He looked somewhat agitated, from what Phil could guess. "What about you?"

  "Hm?" Dan asked, without looking up.

  "Any boyfriends? Or girlfriends?" He asked, smirking at Dan's dazed expression.

  Dan didn't say anything, turning away, instead, to stare at some other place that Phil wasn't in. His shoulders were hunched, and his entire was body was tense. He looked small, something that Phil had never thought he'd see on him, he was always so laid back and calm. This was different, and Phil had no idea what to do. He wasn't much of a sympathetic person, never really going out of his way to comfort other people. But this was Dan. He wasn't supposed to need comforting. He was supposed to laugh and go on about all the different people he'd had in his bed. He was supposed to be at emotional. It wasn't allowed, in Phil's mind.

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