Chapter 10 Oh My Merlin!!!

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A/N Wow two updates in less 3 weeks apart WOW!

Last time on A Doe and  A stag, True Love at last

" Shh, my turn to talk. Look I like you Potter Okay, I like you like you and I have for ages but never told you, I-I figured out I liked you in 5th year when you comforted me when Snape called me a called me a you know what OK?" And I kissed her and she kissed me back.

" Lily Evans will you be my Girlfriend?"

" Yes,"


(from my friend) hello my lovely peepooooo's, r ya enjoying this so far, yeah I bet char aren't ye. I hope ya'll enJOY yer day me lovely dooooooooooood's aye, are chu not, that's too dern bad, les hope it getts better for u, this bookll definatly help with that, it's amazing make sure to say it's great, a hundreeed or mare times in ze comments, except don't cuz, I mean, spam, am I right. make sure, you go and carefully and politely SLAMEROONY that follow BUTTon. Anyway, dats moy message to the opposite of  oui, thank you and goodnight my (don't assume genders) fwiends  

I couldn't believe it she said yes! I mean I didn't propose to her, well, not yet anyway. * winkty wink wink*

I brought Lily all the candy she wanted and we went to Zonko's because I mean, I can't go to Hogsmede without going to Zonko's. Anyway, we head there and I am SUCH a kid there. I hear Lily giggling behind me with her bag full of sweets. 

" What?" I say innocently as I walked up to her.

" Oh nothing," MERLIN was she cute! 

" 10 more minutes, then we got to meet the guys in the three broomsticks," Lily says as she starts to look at prank products. That's odd Lily Evans looking at prank supplies, she's a goody-two-shoes. Oh well. 

*10 minutes Later* 

" James, time to go," Lily says with a pile of prank equipment,

" Lils what's all that for?" I ask whilst having to look over my big pile of prank supplies.

" What else dummie!? Come on let's pay for this then head to the three broomsticks," Lily and I head to the counter and pay and then leave the shop with about 7 bags each from Zonkos. I am so proud of her. 

" There are the two lovebirds!" Sirius shouts from the other end of the place, where everyone looks at Lily and I and I swear she blushes when she hears it. The whole room stares at us, with our 14 bags and candy Lily and I head over to the middle of the room smiles on our faces, holding hands and Lily resting her head on my shoulder . I tell her to put her bags down and hop on the table and whisper my idea to her and she nods in agreement.

" Everyone I have an announcement!" I yell to the three broomsticks people and customers

" THE Lily Evans has agreed to be my GIRLFRIEND!!! 6 and a bit long years waiting but finally she is my girlfriend," I turn and kiss my girlfriend her and she kisses back! Out of all the people yelling I hear Sirius yelling.

" OH MY MERLIN, MY LITTLE JAMSY-POO HAS A GIRLFRIEND AND LILY EVANS OH MY MERLIN HE'S GROWN UP TO FAST!!" I come out of the kiss and see Sirius 'fainting' into Marlene's arms. Lils and I run hand in hand to them and group hug them. After our free butterbeers. We all pick up our bags and head back to Hogwarts as Lily Evans as my girlfriend. Wow I never thought I would ever get to say that, well not awake anyway and not in my dreams. 

" Jamsy, you okay?" Lils asks me I must of been daydreaming. 

" Amazing my Lily Flower," I smile. 

A doe and A stag, true love at last: A Jily fanfic (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now