Chapter 11: The Quidditch Game

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A/N Tonks will be a school with them 

" OH MY MERLIN, MY LITTLE JAMSY-POO HAS A GIRLFRIEND AND LILY EVANS OH MY MERLIN HE'S GROWN UP TO FAST!!" I come out of the kiss and see Sirius 'fainting' into Marlene's arms. Lils and I run hand in hand to them and group hug them. After our free butterbeers. We all pick up our bags and head back to Hogwarts as Lily Evans as my girlfriend. Wow, I never thought I would ever get to say that, well not awake anyway and not in my dreams.

" Jamsy, you okay?" Lils asks me I must have been daydreaming.

" Amazing my Lily Flower," I smile. Lily's P.O.V 

It's been a couple of weeks since James asked me out and I said yes. Next Tuesday is Halloween which means the Halloween Ball Yay! James still hasn't asked me but I know he will, I hope he will, anyway for the past week James and I have gotten hardly any sleep as we have had to plan the ENTIRE  ball ourselves and have very little time too. Right now he's off with his little ' marauder friends' doing Merlin knows what whilst I'm here still planning and I  trying not to fall asleep. Soon enough I drift into a well-deserved sleep. 

James' P.O.V 

The doods and I walked into Lils and I's common room to find her sleeping. She looks so pretty.

" Prongsy boy, Snap out of Lily Land," Sirius waved his hand in front of my face. 

" What?" I looked around at other marauders who were trying not to laugh at me. It's not my fault that I'm in love. L. O. V. E. I love you and you love me. And she does. I walk over to Lily and pick her up bridal style and carry her to her room and place her gently down in her bed and put the covers on her. Just before I'm about to leave I walk over and kiss her on the forehead and mumble 'you're my everything Lily flower. I love you'   I walk out of the room with a big goofy grin on my face. 

Lily's P.O.V 

" Come on Lily let's go to the quidditch game James needs you there," Marlene drags me out of bed and makes me get changed for the quidditch game, which I'm actually excited for I do love quidditch and James being captain and the best chaser ever. ( He wasn't that best of a seeker that's why he switched to chaser) A/N My fanfic my rules I've made movies and book people happy by making him do both.  I walk out of my room with my hair in a messy side plait with just a pair of jeans and a red flannel shirt. I walk out of the common room with Marlene and Mary by my side and look like they have a secret that they're not telling me but I know they would never keep a secret that was mean to me they would do it for a good cause. It's only a couple of days before the Halloween Ball and James STILL hasn't asked me out! I hope he does soon though cause 20 people have already asked me out and I have denied in hope James asks me or maybe he thinks that since we're already dating. Oh well, I'll ask him after the game.

" Lily, snap out of  James Land," Marlene waves a hand in front of my face. 

" Whatever," I mumble as I walk to the quidditch teams tent as James wanted to see me. 

" Lils, you came," He ran up to me and kissed me for a good 10 seconds before Siriusly Annoying Black interrupted and told us to get a room.

" Anyway, Lils I was um.. wondering if you wanted to wear my.. um Gryffindor scarf?" Everyone gasped. It's a special thing at Hogwarts if you're dating a quidditch player and they ask you to wear their scarf it means that they want you and love you and for 7th year it's so special it's almost like a pre-proposal.

" Yes," I say as I put on his scarf and give him a kiss before I walk out with my friends. This was so big I just can't believe I thought he would never but he did, maybe he's not as bad as I thought he was all those years. 

" Today's quidditch game is Hufflepuff" All the Hufflepuff's cheer along with some Ravenclaws " And GRYFFINDOR" Leonardo Jordan announced as the Gryffindors and the other half of Ravenclaws cheered. This time though I had my boyfriend on one team one of my best friend Nymphadora Tonks A/N Yes she would have only been like 4 my fanfic my rules So I was cheering for both teams but mainly Gryffindor of course. 

Time Lapse to one goal before the end of the game

Gryffindor is wining 150-60 and both of the seekers have seen the snitch and the whole group are up on their feet after 5 minutes the Gryffindor seeker catches the snitch and 

" GRYFFINDOR WINS 300-60 SORRY BADGES BUT THE LIONS TOOK THE LEAD AND WON!!!!!!!" Leonardo, or Lee for short, booms over the speaker and Jame heads over to the speaker and Announces

" Like I said guys," I am the only one confused.  What has he got planned? All of a sudden The Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw quidditch ( obviously Slytherin didn't want apart of it) and Regulus Black obviously representing Slytherin or he actually cares about what James is doing. Anyway, the quidditch teams all move to certain positions in a heart, whilst James flies over to me and tells me to come with him to the middle of the heart with his wand up against his throat... Oh Merlin

" Lily Evans, when we first met at the train station I turned to my new friend Sirius Black and said, I'm gonna date that girl Sirius and possibly marry her  well I get to date you and we've only been dating for 1 month and still in school but I can tell it will be you and I forever but for now will my wonderful Lilyflower accompany me to the Halloween Ball?" He says with the sweetest of smiles. 

" Yes," I say so that he can only hear. The rest of the school are on their feet and I decide to pull a prank on them I wink at James so he will know, I grab his wand and say 

" No," With an evil grin James gets the message and looks shocked.

" Why Lily, why?" He asks, merlin this is fun,

" Because I love,"

" Who do you love Lils,"

" Marlene Mckinnon," I say, the school has never gasp louder and it's hilarious. Mar knows what I'm doing by a look and plays along.

"That's right Hogwarts, The Lily Evans is Bisexual," That part isn't a lie I have been since 2nd year and there was a time when I did have a crush on Marlene, I mean she's cute, right?

McGonagall looks like she's seen a ghost, and so I decided to say something

" Hogwarts! I said yes to James, but I am Bi.." Then Sirius Jumps up and yells

" I'M GAY HOGWARTS DEAL WITH IT!" I mean I knew already so it wasn't that big of a shock. Then James swings me around and kisses me full on my lips and I can hear McGonagall yelling. 

" THAT'S MY STUDENTS THAT'S MY BABY JAMSY!" I never knew that she thought of James as a son. This has been one exciting quidditch game. 

A/N Look if you have any problems with LGBTQ+ then I suggest you leave because I will not deal with the hate. Anyway, this chapter is 1313 words so I hope you enjoy it.

A doe and A stag, true love at last: A Jily fanfic (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now