The First Study (pt.3)

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"Kirishima, is it?"  Said Tokayami in a reassuring tone.

"Um I-"

"Come on Kirishima! You can tell us sweetie!!"

"I-"  I'm scared.... what will they think of me if I say yes! Well I really don't know if.... "GAHHH!!"

"You okey?"asked Ojiro. "You don't really need to-"


"What!?" The three boys ask.

"I like Bakugou!"

"Oh sweetie", Aoyama came closer and Hugged me.

"I really like him" I cover my face in embarrassment.

"Don't worry Dude we won't tell" Said Ojiro "it's our little secret."

"Have you told anyone else yet?" Asked Tokayami.

"No actually.... I just kinda figured it out myself too so...."

"Well don't worry, we got you covered!" Aoyama winks at me and they all laugh a bit and so I join in.

"Oh guys look at the time, I have to go. Bakugou said he was gonna help me study at 7:00pm"

"Don't get too comfortable!!" Aoyama winks again. I blush and the others laugh.

"Well uh, see y'all later! Or Tomorrow!!"


"See ya!"

"Bonne chance avec Bakugou !!"

"Thanks!!??" I leave to put my clothes on. Once they are on, I get out and head straight to my room.

In the elevator, I feel really nervous. My heart starts to speed up. I feel sweat running down my face. Really? I just came out of the shower!! I'm really scared.

Will I mess this up?

Does he like me back?

Does he think I'm annoying?

Is my hair really shitty?

Does he hate me?

I really don't know what to think anymore. The elevator gets closer and closer to my floor. I've never felt like this before. What's wrong with me?

The elevator door opens.

I walk towards my room. I pass his. Just by even walking by his dorm makes me nervous. It's 6:47, almost time.

Why am I so nervous!?

I enter my dorm... I start to clean up knowing how badly it will get if I don't.
Some minutes pass by and I'm finally done. I place my notebook and homework on my desk. Ready to study!
I finally calmed down.

                 There is a knock on the door.

Study at Kirishima's : A Kiribaku fanfic / BNHA Where stories live. Discover now