The Carnival

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💥= Bakugou
❤️= Kirishima
⚡️= Kaminari


He's avoiding the question, is it what he told Mina yesterday?

❤️"It's you!" He grabs some Dynamites and holds them up in front of me with his big dumb (cute, adorable) smile.

💥"Tch," I feel blush on my face "shut up!"

❤️He laughs "you wanna know why?"


❤️"Because they are hot and spicy just like you! The bonus part is that they are called Dynamites! Another way of saying explosive!!"

💥"Shut up!!!!"

❤️"Hahahahaha!!" He laughs again and hands me over the chips,

I grab them and stare them down, paying no attention to my surroundings.

❤️I heard a muffled sound. "Ba....... Baku... Bakugou?"


❤️"Are you gonna choose any?"

💥"No, I'll just take some from you."

❤️ "Okey- whoah,"


❤️"Your face is red?"


He leans close to me, he touches my forehead and compares his temperature with mine. Why do I think he's.......... cute.

❤️"Are you feeling sick?"

Crap what do I say!?

💥"I'm fine"

❤️"You sure? You're a bit warm..."

I push his hand away.

💥"Look I said I'm fine!!"

He stays quiet for a bit. Oh no, did I make him feel bad!?




❤️"Anyways uh," he says, " Let's go get the drinks!"

I nod and follow behind him.

❤️"What about.... Pepsi?"

"💥Yes, go ahead,"

He starts to walk towards our meeting spot we're Kaminari and Sero are waiting for us.

⚡️"Alright this is all!" Said Kaminari

We paid our stuff and left the store.
Dunface was smart for once and we successfully sneaked the snacks. He dressed up as a pregnant girl and found his way in. He was actually smart for once.

⚡️"Ouuu were should we go first!!!" Kaminari exclaims

💥"I don't know about you but I wanna ride roller coasters" I say.

⚫️"Well I wanna go to the carousel!" Said Sero

❤️"I don't mind anything as long as I get a shark!" Said Kirishima.

⚡️"Okey we can split in two again!"

⚫️"Kaminari I think maybe not here, it's too big for the 4 of us"

⚡️"Oh come on Sero!! I see couples walking around!! Teenagers!!!"

💥"Y'all done? I want to ride rides"

❤️"Guys Decide! I want my shark!"

⚡️"Ok ok, let's all go together"

💥 "Finally!"

I hear Kirishima giggle and my heart starts racing,

Oh no what's wrong with me....

Am I........ gay?

Study at Kirishima's : A Kiribaku fanfic / BNHA Where stories live. Discover now