The Carnival (pt.5)

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💚=Deku (Midoriya)
❄️=IcyHot (Todoroki)
🖤=BirdBoy (Tokoyami)
🔶=TailGuy (Ojiro)
=LaserGuy (Aoyama)


We walked around the food court cuz Kirishima wanted some "manly" ice cream. Even so, I tried to keep him away from Kaminari and Sero because they weren't hiding it. But I managed to get them out of his sight.

❤️ "Bakugouuuuuu. I'm Boredddddd. Lets go on another rideeeee!!"

💥"But Kirishima, Aizawa said to get back before 9 and it's about to be 8:30, and you know very well that the ride to the school is around 20 minutes."

❤️ "Okey then, that still leaves us around 10 minutes for a few more rides!"

💥 "no, you promised Mina that you would get her something from the store and we ate all the snacks already."

❤️ "and going to the store takes like 5 minutes!"

💥"I say lets get out now before we actually ran out of time with all these people here."

He sighs,

❤️ "okey well....."

Something catches my eye.

💥"I got an idea! If you beat me in arm wrestling, we'll take pictures in the photo booth over there, but if you loose, you win me something in the prize corner!"


We find the closest table to us and to our luck it was empty. We sit down in front of each other and warm up, that's how intense it's gonna be. We hold each others hand and count down.






And so, our match began. I push towards his side and I get close to winning, until he comes at me for the last second and pushes towards my side. We have our hands were we began. People started to surround us getting curious about who's gonna win. I see Kirishima get nervous so I took advantage and push towards his side. Yet again, he won't loose so easily. He concentrates and our hands are on my side. I try my best to bring it back up but it's no use. People around us start bets between who's gonna win and girls start fangirling. So annoying. I some how bring our hands back up and people cheer. But it doesn't last long. Before I realized it, our match was over.

💥"What a Drag...."

❤️"WOO HOO!!!!"

I smile, he's cute when he's happy.

💥 "Alright Lets go."

❤️"YES I WIN!!"

We walk into the photo booth and take our pictures. Two of them came out so we each got one. I hide mine in my pocket because I don't wanna look at them until the dorms.

With Kirishima smiling we do what we were gonna do and leave straight to the dorms.

Once we enter, we see stupid Deku and IcyHot, talking with Bird Guy, Tail Guy, and Laser Guy.


💥"Don't talk to me Deku."


❄️"Stop being so mean for once Bakugou."


❄️"You heard me-"


🖤"Kirishima, how was the Carnival?"

❤️"Good Actually! Ah- how'd ya know?"

✨"Kaminari and Sero told us!"

🔶"yeah they actually arrived like 10 minutes ago"


❤️"HOLD UP IM COMING TOO!! Good night guys- BAKUGOU WAIT!!"

He runs after me and the other boys just continue what they were talking about.

We get into the elevator and get to our floor without speaking. He drops me off in my room and goes to his which is next door.

I rush in and lock the door behind me.

💥"PHEW, that was close-"

⚡️"ah Bakugou,...... Welcome!"

I pause.

⚫️"Now before you yell at us, we have an explanation,"

💥"You have a minute to explain to me what the FUCK is GOING ON!"

⚡️"OKEY OKEY SO, We just got here right and Mina saw us and asked who the shark was for! And we explain everything and then we see the elevator was coming so then we run into your room and do what you asked!"

💥"why are you wearing my jacket?"

⚡️"Ah well, it was just here on the bed so I just tried it on and-"


They get scared and run out of my room. Now that they're gone I lock the door once more, and open the closet. Kaminari dropped my jacket so I just hang it back on the closet. I sigh as I see the shark. I smile a bit and pick it up. I throw it on my bed and change my clothes to my sleeping clothes. I turn the lights off and lay down.

I turn to face the wall and the shark is right in front of me. I stare at it for a moment. I smile again and just hug it.

It's so soft...

I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep...

💥"GoodNight.... Kiri...shima...."

Study at Kirishima's : A Kiribaku fanfic / BNHA Where stories live. Discover now