Chapter 2: The Celebration

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I leave my dorm with a big smile on my face. I feel ready to beat up this test! Thanks to Bakugou's help of course!

As I leave my room, I see Bakugou. He also just got out of his dorm.We both stare at each other for a few seconds. I give him a big wide smile.

*he sighs* I know what you are going to say, let's go."

Still smiling, I place my arm around his shoulders like always. He puts his hands on his pockets as we walk towards the elevator.

"Bakugou! I'm gonna pass the test for sure!!"

"You better Shitty Hair," he says, "we didn't study 3 hours for nothing."

"I promise our hard work won't be wasted!"

"Better not..."

~~~Time skip to after the test~~~

"Alright, Time's Up." said Mr Aizawa, "pass your test to the front of the classroom. I'm going to grade them. In the mean time, you guys can talk. But keep it down, I don't feel like getting in trouble again."

"ALLRIGHT!!" yelled Kaminari

"HELL YEAH!!" Sero followed.

All 19 students go around the classroom to talk to their friends, except for me. I stay in my seat, thinking about what Mina told me last night.

"You okey?" She asked.

I jump not realizing that she walked towards me.

"Y-Yeah!, I just kinda didn't realize you were there."

"What's wrong? After Aizawa took our tests you just stayed in your seat staring at your desk."

"I actually started to think of what you said to me last night."

Tokoyami, Ojiro, And Aoyama wall towards me.

"Hey boys!"

"She knows too?" Asked Tokoyami.

"Yeah... but only y'all know so far."

"What are you guys talking about" said Kaminari sneaking behind Tokoyami and Aoyama.

"Uh I think Hagakure just called us over.... bye let's talk later kay?" Said Ojiro, the boys followed behind him; "see ya at the dorms Kirishima!" Exclaimed Aoyama.

"AWEH MAN!!!" Said Kaminari sadly, "I wanted to pet Ojiro's tail...."

"Lol y'all spillin' tea without me?" followed Sero. He stops next to Kaminari but then sees the open seat in front of me and sits down.

"Kirishima can I tell them?" Said Mina ready to spill.

I stare at her with a straight face.

"I guess that's a no..." she placed her hands on her waist.

Suddenly someone else walks in our conversation.
"What are you losers talking about? Y'all better not be talking shit about me!"

I know that voice so well...

"Hey Bakugo I reserved you a seat!" Sero stood up and let Bakugou sit knowing really well that he was gonna ask for him to move.

"No why would you think we would talk Shit about you Bakugou?"

"I dunno but just thinking of it makes me really mad." He said starting up his quirk.

"Yo chill dude, I was just gonna invite the three of you to play Minecraft with us later." Kaminari hugs me from behind, "Plus Kiri looks stressed, I say he needs a little break!"

"Is that all you really do? Play Minecraft?" Bakugou felt concerned,

"Nah, we also will chill and then maybe do some TikTok's lolololol"

"HECK YEAH!! COUNT ME IN!!" Mina raised her hand and started to jump excitedly.

"Settle Down class," Mr. Aizawa stood up, "I finished grading your tests. The class rep. will pass them back to you. While he's doing that I will take a nap, so don't disturb me. We have 10 minutes left in class until you go to your dorms. Okey I'm done, continue talking."

"Here is your test Kirishima!" Iida says as he gives me my test. He walks away to the next person.

I'm scared to look.

Study at Kirishima's : A Kiribaku fanfic / BNHA Where stories live. Discover now