Meeting His Parents

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The lady took the pictures of all us because we were doing a family portrait. The pictures were going to be beautiful.

"Smile little one ", the woman said as she snapped various photos of JJ.

Its been 2 months and Jessie's parents are coming in today.

The money is coming in good at my job and I love working in the environment because the people are so nice. Jessie and I have to go to work today. So we will be picking up his parents.

"Babe, come on we have to go", Jessie said.

"Wait, I have to change the baby."

"Well hurry up"

"Ok Jessie I'm going as fast as I can"

"I'm in the car", he said as he went out the door.

"Come on JJ we're going to see your grandparents."

I changed him and we got in the car and drove to the airport.

I saw Jessie's parents coming out of the airport and running towards him.

"Jessie baby", his mom screamed.

My parents and Jessie's are way different from one another. His parents are wealthy and my dad is wealthy, but not my mom. His parents are still married, mines are divorced.

"Hi mom.", Jessie said.

"Nice to see you son.", his dad said excitingly.

They acted like I wasn't even there.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Collins", i said

"Oh hi Alana,", his mom said dryly

"Yeah, hi Alana.", Mr. Collins wasn't really interested.

I gave Jessie a look and i got into my car.

"So, where's my grandchild", Ms. Collins asked.

"He's right here", I stated as I went to get him.

"Ummm, I think I can get him myself".,Mrs. Collins said.

"Yeah we're not disabled yet.", Mr. Collins states.

"Well ok", I said as I entered the car.

We drove back to the apartment and I heard Mr. and Ms. Collins snickering as I opened the door.

"Well this is where we live", I told them as they inspected the house.

"Where are we supposed to stay.", both of them asked.

"Right in this room", Jessie told them.

Jessie lead them to my nail spot. It was just like a room, but with a lot of my nail materials.

"I think I just entered a nail salon.", Ms. Collins said.

"Yeah, Jessie there's no way we're sleeping in here.", his father said.

"Well I can book you guys a room at Silvia's Spectacular Spa.", I mentioned.

"Yeah she works there.", Jessie stated.

"Well if you're gonna book us a room, let's go.", she said to me.

"Jessie you're not gonna let her drive your car are you.", his dad asked.

"Dad", Jessie screamed.

"Its ok, I have my own car.", I said.

Jessie's parents walked out the door, while I went to get my keys. Jessie stopped me as I went to walk out the door.

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