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I'M NOT DEAD F#CKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright so you may be thinking to yourself: "SASSY MACARONI WHERE THE F#CK HAVE YOU BEEN IT'S BEEN LIKE 3 MONTHS!?!?!"

In all seriousness, I'm so terribly sorry for just abandoning this but I had a lot of things I needed to get through irl, but I'm ok and I'm here now.

Now you may also be asking if I'll continue my previous stories, to which I have to say, I am

Well, sort of.....

I lost interest in writing "One Magical Trip" so I'll be skipping ahead to the Mullete proposal and then ending the story from there (sorry to anyone that wanted more, I just can't write something I'm not interested in)

As for the "The Angel's Scarlet Rose" my plan is to continue it sporadically (I just need time to think of where I want the story to go from where I am)


I have a new story in the works which I'll be providing little previews of in a sec (more on that, well, in a sec)

Now I have to warn you, it focus mainly on drama so be prepared for more heavier stories, but I'm pretty excited about it. SO without further ado, here's what coming up hopefully soon, hope you enjoy :)

(yes it's more hamilton fan fic, those are just the best characters to write with honestly don't come at me-)


~Ashen Heart~

This story takes place in a future where the Yellowstone volcano has exploded and covered much of the USA in complete ash, leaving only a small bit of the east coast slightly clear (don't yell at me for getting facts wrong, it's fiction). The main story follows Alex, and his attempts to escape to the Caribbean with his son Phillip, the last bit of family he has. Along the way he encounters old friends, co-workers, enemies, and lovers, all on a mad dash for freedom and safety. Who lives, who dies, and who makes it to tell the story??


The ash stung my lungs but that was the least of my concerns. The stupid gas mask I constantly wore outside now fell to the ground, which caused a pile of ash to blow up, only to rain down gently around us like warm snow. My thoughts were racing at about a hundred million miles an hour but that wasn't important either to me. All that mattered was the warmth, the familiarity, the feelings....

and of course the kiss...


So yeah, that's basically everything. Fell free to leave any suggestions or questions (but let's be real, no one will so Imma do whatever the hell I want until someone says no, but then again I'll still do it anyways so.....)

The Angels Scarlet Rose (Marliza)Where stories live. Discover now