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Chapter 8
I feel like I could vomit. It's Friday, the football game is almost over, and that means we are going to Tony's for the party. Pepper checked up on me during half time. That's the only time she gets off. She's a cheerleader, so she only sees us during half time. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
  "He's doing good!" Wanda exclaimed.
  "He always does good." Sam stated.
Bucky is the star quarterback at school. A lot of different colleges are scouting him, and he's only a junior. I know jack shit about football, but I do know that he runs fast, throws fast, and is just fast in general. That's basically all I could tell you about football. That he's just insanely good.
  "Are you nervous?" Natasha turned around on the bleachers to ask me.
  "I feel like I can vomit everywhere right now." I answered. I feel sick.
  "Ew, aim it at Clint." Tony blurted out. This earned a punch in the arm from both Clint and Natasha.
  "You'll be fine. It's just Bucky. There's nothing to be worried about." Natasha consoled me.
  "If it doesn't work, everything will be fine. You won't lose him." Clint said. I felt someone shaking my back. I turned around to see Thor.
  "You've got this in the bag." He smiled and said. Bruce, Loki, and Rhodey also offered me their most supportive smiles. Loki's looked fairly intimidating, but I'll still take it. I know he means well.
  Before we knew it, the game was over. We always wait for Bucky outside of the band room. It takes him a little bit longer than everyone else because he has to get changed. I then feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I look down to see who it was.
[Bucky 9:26 PM] On my way. Walking with Pep.
"Bucky and Pepper are on their way." I turned to tell Tony. Bucky, Pepper, Sam, Rhodey, and I are all carpooling with Tony. Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, and Bruce are following behind us. Then Thor and Loki are following Clint. As I see Bucky and Pepper approach us, I feel my heart beating faster and faster. Just looking at Bucky is giving me anxiety. Pepper is making him laugh. God, I can't get over his smile. It's so beautiful. He's so beautiful. I can't believe I'm going through with this. It only takes five minutes to get to Tony's house from the school, and that means five minutes to pull myself together. As Bucky became closer, everyone started to congratulate him. I was trying to say something, but if I speak I'll vomit everywhere. God my heart is beating so fast. It feels like it's hitting against my ribs. I don't get scared too easily, but I'm terrified right now. Everyone starts shuffling along to get to their respective cars, and Pepper motions me to move forward. She offers me her arm and I gladly hook onto it. Bucky is too distracted with Sam and Rhodey to notice me nearly passing out.
  "It's going to be okay, Steve. It's alright." Pepper reassured me.
  "I'm just scared. Scared to fuck it up." I heard my voice break. I'm terrified.
  "Listen up, Rogers. He loves you. End of story. And if he doesn't say yes that's his loss. Because you are one of the best guys I've ever met." Tony announced. I was touched. Tony is never nice, unless money is involved.
  "Thanks, Tony. That means a lot to me." I mumbled. I always mumble when it comes to my feelings.
  "Anytime, Chihuahua." He started to grab his keys out of his pockets to unlock his car. It took long enough that we were able to catch up with others. Sam, Rhodey, and Pepper went on the right side of the car, and Bucky, Tony, and I went on the left. As soon as Tony unlocked the car, Rhodey and Sam climbed into the third row. Bucky opened the door and motioned me to enter. I sat on the right behind the passenger seat, in which the passenger was Pepper. Bucky sat on my left side. He always preferred sitting on the left. Tony started the car and it was oddly quiet. As if they expected me to say something then and there, even though they already know the plan.
  "You did great tonight, Bucky." I said to try and break the silence.
  "Thanks." That was an oddly short response. He normally says more than that. I face the window and see him pulling his phone out of his pocket.
  "Probably texting some girl. You don't stand a chance." I thought to myself. I then feel my phone vibrate in my pocket yet again. I pull it out and then I see the text. Apparently I'm the girl.
[Bucky 9:35 PM] You aren't being yourself. Talk when we get home?
[Steve 9:35 PM] I'm just feeling a little off. We can talk later.
[Bucky 9:36 PM] Promise?
[Steve 9:36 PM] Promise.
I put my phone back in my pocket. I really didn't realize how long I had been thinking, because we were already at Tony's.
  "Dear God. This is it. You can do this." I cheered for myself in my head. I need confidence.
Everyone was getting out of their respective cars and greeting each other yet again. We all started filing into Tony's house and just started making small talk. I wanted to go as long as I could before I asked him. I heard Bucky asking Tony for water from behind me. Bucky then walked around the couch and handed me the water bottle.
  "You look like you're going to pass out. Drink it." He told me. Not only does it look like I'm going to pass out, it feels like I'm going to pass out. I opened it and took a sip. In that time, Bucky sat down next to me on the couch, his left arm wrapped around the back behind me. I turned to look at him.
  "Can I talk to you?" I asked. I can't believe I just mustered up the courage to do that. I can't believe I'm doing this.
  "Yeah, sure."
I stood up and grabbed his hand. I motioned for him to get off the couch, and then I lead him into the room Pepper told me about. It was nice. The room had a little couch in it and a television.
  "Bucky I-" I kept stuttering. I keep trying to get the words out, but I can't find them.
  "It's just me, Stevie. You can tell me anything." He put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Good lord help me. I may throw up all over him.
  "Please don't hate me."
  "I never could." I choked on air when he said that. I can do this. I've got this.
  "Bucky, I really like you, and I mean in the non friendship type of way," I could feel my voice shaking and cracking. "You probably find it strange coming from a boy, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date? You can say no, it won't hurt me." I muster out a small smile. I'm already expecting a no.
  "Steve, calm down. It's alright," he started to say. "I'd love to go on a date with you, in a non friendship way." Bucky was beaming. I feel like I could pass out.
  "Did you just- just tell me yes?" I asked. I'm baffled.
  "I believe I did." God his smile could kill me. "Listen I know I'm handsome and that can leave people speechless, but please say something."
  "I just. I just. Wow." I tried to form words, but nothing would come out. So I did what my body told me, and I pulled him into a hug. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and we hugged. His face was buried into my neck and I could feel his heart racing. We stood there for a while, rocking back and forth together. I think we both just wanted to be close to each other. After about two minutes, I finally pulled away.
  "Thank you." I whispered.
  "I could never say no to you, Stevie." He smirked.
  "Are you able to do tomorrow?" I asked.
  "Hmmm, I don't know. Let me check my schedule." He teased. "Of course I can do tomorrow. I can do any day if it means going with you." He always knows the right things to say. It drives me wild.
  "12 am tomorrow. Art Museum." I explained. His face visibly lit up when I said "art museum." He's been wanting to go there for a really long time.
  "How did you get the money for that? The tickets go for $50 a piece!" He asked, surprised.
  "Don't worry about it, Buck."
  "I'm going to get it out of you some day." He teased.
  "No you won't."
  "I can get anything out of you."
  "You didn't get this out of me."
  "True." He took me in for another hug. This one was much more brief, but I knew what he meant by it.
  "We should probably go outside by the others" I told him.
  "Do they know?" He asked.
  "Know what?" I just wanted to hear him say it back to me.
  "That we are going out tomorrow. On a date."
  "Trust me, they know."
  After we walked out of the room together, we told everyone. They all congratulated me for being able to have the guts to do it, they thought I'd chicken out. The whole rest of the night was great. We watched movies, and really just chilled. It was going to be a big sleepover, but Clint, Bucky, and I all just wanted to go home. We said our goodbyes to everyone and headed out. Clint dropped us off at home. Bucky and I both said goodnight to his parents, and then got into our nightclothes to go to sleep. Bucky hit his pillow and fell asleep fast, but there was one thing I wanted to do before I went to sleep. I pulled out my journal.
I love you, James Buchanan Barnes.

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