Honda Civic.

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Chapter 30
  "Well, yesterday certainly was eventful." I said, turning to face Bucky. We both had just woken up, so we both definitely had bed head.
  "Tell me about it." Bucky groaned, shoving his face back into his pillow. I shifted over and wrapped my arms around his waist. For having such broad shoulders and such a wide back his waist was really small. He also has really small wrists. Sam always calls him "baby wrists." It's kind of adorable. With the mention of our friends, I suddenly remembered that we made plans to go over to Natasha's to study for our algebra exam. Tony, Bucky, and I were all going over. Natasha also asked me to help her get ready for her date. Apparently they are going to a pretty nice restaurant. She asked me to do her makeup, which I've found out that I'm good at. I guess since I'm good at art it just transferred over. I'm just really happy that she asked me to do it, and I'm mostly just happy for her. She deserves happiness as much as we do. Plus, Clint has liked her for years. I'm surprised he finally pulled the trigger.
  "Buck, we need to get up." I said while nudging at his ribs. He groaned into his pillow.
  "No thank you. Besides, you shouldn't be walking on your foot anyways." He mumbled into his pillow. We found out yesterday that I broke my big toe and severely bruised the top of my foot. The glass all around my foot caused me to have 11 stitches in total. It really wasn't too bad. It could've been a lot worse. They just wrapped my foot and gave me crutches. There really isn't anything you can do for a broken toe anyways. I've just been instructed that I can't wear shoes or mess with the stitches.
  "That's a really stupid excuse, babe. Besides, we agreed to go to Nat's." I said nudging his ribs yet again.
  "I don't wannaaaa." He whined. He sounds like a two year old. He still had his face shoved into his pillow.
  "Well I don't want to see you fail. Now get up, jerk." I then also stood up and used the headboard of the bed for leverage. Bucky finally flipped over onto his back and looked at me.
  "You suck." He said, sticking out his tongue. He really is a five year old.
  "How would you know?" I teased. As soon as I finished that sentence, he tossed a pillow at me.
  "You dog. That's nasty." He chuckled.
  "Just get up, jerk." I laughed while tossing the pillow back.
  It only took us a couple minutes to both get ready. I came out of the room before Bucky did, and I noticed how chipper everyone was this morning.
  "Good morning, Steve!" Winnifred said cheerfully.
  "Did I hit my head last night or something?" I asked. They all looked at me in confusion.
  "Well I sure hope not. I don't think we need to add that to the medical list." Ida joked.
  "You guys just seem really happy." I responded. I wasn't quite sure what to say.
  "Is there something wrong with that?" Hubbard asked. I felt my face heat up.
  "No ma'am! I was just confused that's all." I answered while scratching my neck. I'm starting to develop that habit from watching Bucky.
  Bucky finally came downstairs and we all started eating breakfast. Soon after Tony pulled up and we went out the door. Everyone was acting really weird this morning, and it was throwing me off guard. I was probably just overthinking everything. It's just that I've never seen them look so excited. The Barnes family isn't very emotional, so it was really strange to see emotion on Ida and Hubbard's faces. Bucky also seemed oddly happy today. It made me question what was going on.
[Ma <3 11:56 AM] You are sure he has no idea, right?
[Bucky 11:56 AM] absolutely positive. He hasn't suspected a thing.
[Ma <3 11:57 AM] that's super. I hope it stays that way. Love you!
[Bucky 11:57 AM] Love you too.
  "Who are you texting?" Natasha asked. I was supposed to be listening to Steve explain exponential and logarithmic expressions, but I was too excited to concentrate. My mom and I have been saving for about a month and a half to get Steve a car. Ever since we got the insurance from my dad's totaled car we decided that's what we wanted to do with it. My mom originally offered it to me, but I don't really feel like driving. I already hated the idea of driving, and the crash definitely didn't help that. However, Steve has always talked about driving. His mom never had a car, but he's always wanted one. Originally that's what we wanted to use his inheritance money on, but then he realized he should probably save it for college instead. He decided that having a car was just a desire and a privilege. My family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but we wanted to give him his car for Christmas anyways. However, I'm a really impatient person, so I convinced my mom to let us give it to him as an early Christmas present. I wanted him to be able to drive it to school. We just need to take him to the DMV after school on Monday to get his license. He already knows how to drive pretty well. His mom never had a car to drive, but my dad did. Every couple of weekends my dad would take Steve and I to drive the car. I never took my dad's offer, but Steve definitely did. I'd say Steve is a pretty good driver, but then again I don't even know how to drive.
  "I'm just texting my mom." I responded to Natasha.
  "What about?" Steve said, looking up at me. I hate lying to Steve, so I really have no idea what I could come up with. I tried to think of anything, but I just came up with the dumbest response ever.
  "Dinner tonight." I choked out. Tony immediately started laughing at me. Natasha and Steve looked at me like I was crazy.
  "Pay attention, please." Steve said. He definitely was annoyed.
After studying for about two hours and bullshitting for another two, Steve and Natasha both decided that it was time for her to get dressed. Quite frankly, I'm surprised Fury is even letting her go out with Clint. Fury didn't even look like he trusted the three of us going up with Natasha to her room, and two out of the three of us are gay. I just hope that we are done soon. I need Tony to drop us off before my mom gets to the house with the car. It's the same type of car that my dad had, 2000 Honda Civic. However, this time we chose the color navy blue. Navy blue has been Steve's favorite color since I've known him. I knew that this would be a great car for him. It's a really early gift, but I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture. The bathroom door then opened, interrupting my car thoughts.
  "She's getting dressed. The dress she chose is really pretty." Steve said as he was walking over. Even though there was plenty of room on the game room couch, he decided to sit on my lap. We decided to move the party to Natasha's game room so she could have a bathroom to get ready in. Plus this room is closer to the kitchen, and Tony kept sneaking in the kitchen to smuggle us Fury's chocolate chip cookies. Natasha then walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing a form fitting black dress. It was simple, but she looked breathtaking in it. Tony whistled next to me.
  "Hot damn. Clint won't be able to keep his eyes off of you." Tony exclaimed. She looked amazing, not to mention how well Steve did on her makeup and hair. He straightened her normally wavy hair and put it in a half up half down. Her makeup was natural and beautiful, and the dark dress went amazing with her fair skin tone. She definitely was dressed to impress.
  "Well, I hope Clint cleans up well." I teased. Just then the doorbell rang. Natasha grabbed her purse off the couch.
  "I guess we are about to find out." Natasha said.
  After about ten minutes of talking with each other, Clint and Natasha finally left. We gathered up all of our stuff from inside, thanked Fury, and then also left. Steve sat in the front seat next to Tony and I couldn't help but stare at him. The sunlight was hitting him and he looked flawless. His blue eyes were practically sparkling, and his blonde hair looked even blonder in this light.
  "God he's so cute." I said to myself. The excitement of today definitely made me soften up.
  Before I knew it, Tony dropped us off at the house and we walked inside. It was dark, and no one else was here. It was absolutely perfect. Everything is going according to plan. Steve plopped himself down onto the sofa.
  "That math was fucking exhausting." He said while rubbing his temples. I plopped down next to him.
  "Tell me about it." I replied.
  "You weren't even listening to me half of the time, Bucky." Steve chuckled. I love his laugh so much.
  "Hey! I was listening to you most of the time!" I exclaimed. I felt deeply insulted by these accusations.
  "Mhm sure you were." He said, while planting a kiss on my lips. It was soft and gentle, just like him. As he was backing away, I pulled him in again.
  "I love you." I told him as we pulled away for the second time.
  "I love you too, you absolute dork." He giggled.
  "How's your foot?" I asked. I still felt bad for him. It probably hurts like hell.
  "It hurts, but it's tolerable. It's pretty moderate pain. I probably could walk on it." He responded. He got up to try it, and I pulled him right back onto the sofa.
  "Don't even think about it, Rogers."
  "Or what?"
Just as I was going to respond, I heard the cars pull up. My mom and I agreed to keep Steve's car's engine running so he didn't hear the lock alarm go off. Somehow we were gonna have to lure him outside. My grandma then opened the door and walked into the house.
  "Sorry to bother you boys, but can you boys come outside? We need some help getting some things out of the car." She explained. Steve was selfless, so we knew he'd come out even if he was on crutches. The bait did indeed work, and he came out to be greeted with a new, shiny car.
  "Did you get a new car, Winnie?" Steve asked. He looked so excited at the fact that it was my mom's car. If only he knew it was actually his.
  "Actually you got a new car, Stevie." My mom responded, beaming.
  "No I didn't." He said while shaking his head no.
  "Yes. Yes you did." My mom responded. She walked over and placed the car key in his hands. I saw his eyes welling up with tears.
  "I can't accept this. I don't deserve this." His voice cracked. He hates crying in front of people, so he's probably dying right now.
  "Steve, yes you can and yes you do." I replied. The tears started rolling down his cheeks even faster.
  "I don't know what to say." He choked out. He started wiping his tears with his sweater sleeves.
  "Maybe a thank you?" Aunt Ida joked.
  "Thank you, Winnie. Thank you so much." He said between sobs. He held his face in his hands.
  "Don't only thank me. I couldn't have done this without Bucky's help." My mom smirked. My mom and I both put up some money for this.
  "Bucky you didn't have to. You really didn't have to." He cried. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. I completely knocked his crutch out from under his arm, but I really didn't care.
  "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." I said. He started crying even harder when I said that.
  "I don't have my license." He choked out between sobs. This caused all of us to laugh.
  "We're gonna take you to get it, Steve." This visibly eased him, until another thought crossed his mind.
  "What about my foot?" He asked.
  "You don't need your left foot to drive." I said while smiling.
  "We're taking you on Monday after school. The DMV isn't open on Sundays and you need to take your license exam." Winnifred stated. Sadly, I can't go with them. I have cross country practice afterschool and I'm just going to get a ride with Clint home. I somehow convinced him to try out with me. He runs really well, so it wasn't hard for him to get on the team.
  Steve finally pulled away from me. His eyes were red and puffy, and he was wiping his nose with his sleeve.
  "You guys really didn't have to." Steve said again.
  "You've helped us a lot, Stevie. We were more than happy to do this for you." My mom said to him. She pulled him into a tight hug.
  I think that night was the best night of our lives. We all sat around the table playing rummikub (Steve somehow kept winning), and we all talked about how grateful we are to have each other. I thought that having my Gramma and Aunt here would be awful, but it turns out it was amazing. I finally feel like I have a family again.

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