Discovering the truth.

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Meanwhile, the girls went to Lycaeon's big house. "I really don't think he's guilty," said Fluttershy. "Me neither, Fluttershy, but maybe he saw something or heard something," Sunset replied. 

It was Sunset herself who knocked on the big wooden door. Lycaeon instantly open the door, almost waiting for someone to come. 

"Good morning. What can I do for you?" the man asked. "Hello, good morning, Mr. Lycaeon," Sunset replied. "Sorry for the inconvenience, but my friends and I want to ask you some things." Then Sunset told him about the disappearance of Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops (aka BonBon) and asked the eccentric man if he had seen them. "I didn't hear anything, but ..." "Wait a minute! Why do you have dried blood in your mouth?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh, I just bit by accident, it's nothing," Lycaeon said. "I have not seen or heard anything. But if you like to go to breakfast. I have meat that I just hunted," Lycaeon said, but a tone of malice could be heard in his voice. 

"N-no thanks sir, we have to ... oh!" Sunset said as she pretended to stumble and took Lycaeon's arm when she was last helping her get up. Sunset's eyes glows and she saw EVERYTHING. She saw images of ancient Greece, all from Lycaeon's perspective. She saw how a man with eyes of light cursed him furiously in the ancient Greek language. She watched as Lycaeon was horribly transformed into a beast. A beast more vile than those in Equestria. She saw other times, she saw Lycaeon infecting people and killing people, using that horrible curse. She saw how he killed people at different times, as in the sixteenth century in what appeared to be Germany, in the eighteenth century in France and today among them, the horrible death of Lyra and her best friend Sweetie Drops (aka BonBon)."

-"What happen?" Lycaeon asked. Sunset did not answer. She was pale as death and extremely horrified. "Maybe it's better to be taken to your vehicle," Lycaeon said in a grim tone. "Yes, this is what we will do. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you sir," said Twilight nervously. The girls took Sunset, who barely reacted in tears.

Soon they reached the vehicle. Spike and a Trixie who was still in pajamas received them. "But what happened !!?" Trixie asked alarmed when she saw Sunset Shimmer crying. "He ... he is the murderer" said Sunset Shimmer crying. "What!!??" the girls asked in chorus. 

-"He ... is not human. He is a cursed man. He is a monster. He murdered Lyra and BonBon, among many other innocent people in many eras ... since ancient times ..." 

-"Hey, wait, are you saying Lycaeon ... is a kind of murderous sorcerer?" Rainbow Dash asked. 

-"No," Trixie replied. "She tells the truth". All even Sunset looked at Trixie. "My ... my grandmother told me stories of beings known as werewolves, and from what Sunset says, that man ... Lycaeon is the first one that existed. When I heard his name, I think that it was a stupid coincidence..."

-"What? That's impossible, Trixie. Werewolves don't exist ..." said Twilight. 

-"Oh seriously Twilight? How many times have we fought against magical beings? Against threats from another dimension? Or, of course it's unrealistic," Rainbow Dash said sarcastically. 

-"Please, let me finish," said Trixie.

-"I believe you Sunset. My ancestors were gypsies and some knew that story very well. Things are not like movies. Werewolves are not all bad and wild. In fact most of them retain their reasoning. But Lycaeon was an ancient king who committed atrocities such as cooking his own children, for which he was cursed. Living so long and without losing anything, he abuses this curse by killing people. " said Trixie.

We have to stop him, "Applejack said. "Yes, we must stop him," said Trixie. 

-"Do you know how to do it, Trixie?", Twilight asked. 

-"Yes. And it is not easy. There are several methods. One is to behead him and burn him. Another is to become another werewolf and kill him. And another is to nail him a silver object in his head."

- "All are difficult," said Twilight. "We don't have silver, do we?" Twilight asked. None of the girls responded. 

"But we can use this," said Pinkie Pie. 

-"Where the hell did you find that rusty machete Pinkie?" Applejack asked scared. "It was near Lyra's sandal, in the grass," Pinkie Pie explained. 

"We must end this," said Sunset Shimmer angrily. "He didn't just kill them. He would offer us their meat, just like he did before he was cursed. He killed and ate our friends," Sunset said angrily. "I will liquidate him personally".

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