To End a Werewolf...

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Trixie in her werewolf form gave another blow to Lycaon, this time sending him to fly. 

Lycaon fell perplexed. He thought that girl would hold back and apparently he was wrong. After a few seconds, the older werewolf growled in a completely furious way, he got up from the grass and looked for the female silver-haired werewolf, but Lycaon didn't see her anywhere, only the friends of the haired silver girl. 

The older male werewolf got into a quadruped position on all fours and began sniffing the ground, trying to locate Trixie's scent. Quickly he kept sniffing the grass until Trixie's scent was getting closer and stronger, when suddenly Trixie's hind leg kicks him in his snout. Trixie managed to break his teeth. 

Lycaon stood up and fought against melee Trixie. Trixie started giving very human bumps and scratches. Lycaon suddenly began to dominate her. 

Trixie retained her much more humanized movements, Lycaon in the other hand, was totally wild and animal.

The girls watched as Lycaon bites and savagely attacked Trixie, horrifying Sunset and the others. Sunset moved forward, but Rarity stopped her: 

"Let go of me! He's going to kill her!" 

"Sunset ..." Rarity replied. 

"Do not! She is still a young girl! I won't let that damned take away another friend! "

Next Lycaon subdued Trixie. Trixie groaned in pain. Lycaon prepared himself and with a sadistic expression he pointed his hand with claws towards Trixie's heart when suddenly a voice was heard: 

"Hey! Idiot !!" Rainbow Dash shouted with some blood in her mouth. 

"No one attacks the" great and powerful Trixie! "Shouted the girl with rainbow hair. 

Next Rainbow Dash ran with all her speed towards the dark hairy back of the beast with the silver knife. Rainbow Dash stabbed and slipped the knife, while the werewolf threw her toward the ground with such force that Rainbow Dash bounced on the ground. 

The werewolf approached Rainbow Dash. The girl covered herself until ... thin hands with claws surprisingly pierced Lycaon's chest. 

Even the werewolf looked at his wounded chest in disbelief. Then he looked at Rainbow Dash with a hilarious expression open-mouthed, as the hand came out of his chest. Then the werewolf was shocked, touching his own chest. Trixie walked in front of the weakened werewolf, and with all her strength, SHOOTED the werewolf's head. 

All the girls looked stunned at the scene. Lycaon's still beast-shaped body fell to the ground, lifeless and the head flew a couple of meters away. Trixie was exhausted, and still in her werewolf form she also fell to the ground. 

"Trixie !!" the girls shouted in chorus. Trixie's unconscious body was beginning to shrink. Her face was beginning to recover her original form. Her silver hair on her body disappeared and her hands and feet returned to their actual size. 

"Oh yeah!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted suddenly. Trixie defeated that monster!" said the pink girl jumping. "Trixie still breathes!" Sunset said with great joy. "But she's very hurt. We have to take her inside the vehicle," Sunset continued. 

The girls took Trixie inside. After a few minutes, Trixie woke up with pain throughout her body. "Hi girls ... I ... beat him .... right? Or are we dead?" Trixie asked. "You defeated him Trixie! Or rather, you destroyed him!" Rainbow Dash shouted for joy. "You were magnificent out there, darling!" Rarity said. "Of course! I am ... the great and powerful ... Trrrixie !!"

"I think now that there is no danger, we must call the police," Applejack said.   "I agree," Sunset replied. A brief silence filled the place. 

"I think ... I think I should learn to live ... with this," Trixie said in a resigned tone. 

"It may not be all bad, Trixie. We have the geodes and powers. You...yourself have shown that you are a force of good. You could help us against other magical threats, Trixie,  you should only learn to control that, and not see that as a curse, but as something else. You can prove that you have a kind heart and you're not like the damn monster that infected you" said Twilight. 

Trixie's eyes shone with joy. "Yes! I will finally be the great and powerful Trixie in my own right!" Trixie said. 

"Ok," said Sunset. "Now the hard part is coming. We must say everything that happened. And we must mourn Lyra and BonBon," Sunset continued. 

"Ohh, yes," said Trixie. 

"But for now, you are a powerful friend of our Trixie," said Sunset. 

Trixie finally got what she wanted: friends.

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