About Me/prologue

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Hey guys, I'm Sydney Jane Miller and if you recognize the last name it's probably from my cousin Courtney. Shes been working for smosh for the last couple years and is really making a name for herself, I'm so proud! Anyways, this is some stuff about me. Courtney's dad is my uncle Kenn, he's my dads older brother and they've always been super close which is good for me because their family is really big and ours is very small. It's just me, mom, dad and my little sister Sofia (I just like seeing my name in stories, this isn't gonna come up much anyways so let me have this.)

I was born on October 29th 1994, making me 23 but I'm turning 24 soon. I'm a weird mix of Tom boy and girly girl which apparently runs in the family, it's not uncommon for us Miller girls. I grew up in a small town so my sister and I spent a lot of our time alone or with our cousins swimming, going on adventures and coming way too close to dying on a daily basis. I like to dance, sing and swim. I also love art, makeup and fashion. My favorite colours are grey and yellow and I've been a vegetarian for the last 8 years. I honestly can't think of anything else interesting to talk about right now so I'll talk to you guys later. In the mean time, enjoy my story!


Court: Yo Syd, wanna grab lunch or something this Friday, I get off work early.
Seen February 1st at 6:04pm

Court: I was so looking forward to seeing you at Clark's birthday. If you had to work you should've just texted me, I would've saved you some cake.
Seem February 15th at 1:22pm

Court: Hey Sydney, it's been a while since we've talked and I just wanted to check up and make sure you're ok.
Seen March 8th at 10:38am

Court: I just called your parents and they told me they lost your job. I'm so sorry babes, why didn't you tell me?
Seen March 23rd at 4:10pm

Court: I'm really worried about you, we all are. Call me when you can please...
Seen April 2nd at 5:21pm

Court: That's it, I'm calling you and if you don't pick up I'm coming over there
Seen April 2nd at 5:56pm

"what's wrong Courtney?" wes asked me as him and ramina walked into the living room. "I've been trying to call and text me cousin for a while now and she won't answer my texts, or Clark's or Kari's or even her parents anymore. I've gotta call her and see what's going on." I exhaled sharply as I saw the 'seen message pop up on my phone. "I'm sorry Courtney, I know how close you guys are." ramina said sympathetically, giving me a hug. "were just headed out for dinner, if you need anything call us. Good luck Courtney, love you." wes said, giving me a hug as well as they made their way to the door.

The second the door closed, I clicked on Sydney's contact and pressed call then held the phone up to my ear. The phone rang 3 times and was picked up on the last ring.... Silence. "Sydney Jane Miller. Where the hell have you been. You haven't answered anyone's calls or texts and you've got us all worried sick! What have you been doing!" I said in 1 breath, feeling anger building in my chest. "I'm sorry." I heard a small and defeated voice on the other end of the phone.

The second I heard her voice I felt my anger instantly dissapear and it was replaced with confusion and concern. "what's happening right now Sydney, what's wrong?" I asked, slowly sitting back down on the couch. "I came home, not realizing how late it was. I found him waiting for me in the kitchen, he was mad that I didn't make him dinner and.... And" she stuttered on the other end, my heart broke hearing my fiesty, outspoken and strong cousin being brought to a shakey, unsure whisper. "he slapped me in the face. It was just once but it was so loud I can still hear it." she sobbed into the phone. What am I going to do!?

Heyyyyy, welcome to my story everyone! I don't know how many people will read this but I'm thankful for all of you. I've already wrote a few chapters and I've noticed that I end on cliffhangers a lot, or the chapters flow into each other so I will try and wrote this story as fast and as well as I can and upload the connected chapters together! Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I have writing it, talk to you all later!

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