Chapter 39

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Today is the day that every new mom waits for; the day I found out the gender of my baby. I've waited more than 5 months for this day and I'm practically bouncing off the walls. I thought I was excited until I woke up to find Damien already coming out of the shower. "babe... Why are you already up?" I asked, laughing softly at the man stood in the towel before me. "I was too excited to sleep, I've been up for an hour. Also, there food for you in the fridge." he said giddly and disappeared back into the bathroom. I shook my head, looking off into his direction and completely enamored by the man before me. I just couldn't wipe the smile off my face, I couldn't ask for a better person to be having this child with.

I eventually decided to get out of bed and get ready as well. But first, food. I went downstairs and grabbed the food that he'd made me out of the fridge, it was a parfait with loads of fruits and granola and I was so excited to eat it. I brought it back upstairs and plopped down in bed. While I ate I went through instagram and replied to some comments on a picture I posted yesterday. It was from about a week ago when we were to the beach, yes I know it's March and it's still too cold but walking on the beach is super relaxing. I asked people to comment when they think the baby's gender is going to be because we were going today to find out. The comments were mixed, almost 50/50. Damien is still set on the fact that it was a girl but I still think it's a boy, I guess we'll find out soon. I groaned, rolling off the bed and walking to the bathroom to get ready, I just want to know already!

 I groaned, rolling off the bed and walking to the bathroom to get ready, I just want to know already!

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We've been waiting in the office for almost an hour now but we're next. Damien has started passing because he's impatient and I keep telling him to sit because he's embarrassing me. A nurse walked out of the back room and looked down at her folding, reading "Sydney Miller?" and looking around the room. I practically jumped up and ran to the door, Damien following closely behind me. The nurse asked some general questions before checking my weight and height then tell me to take a seat on the bench. I got Damien to help me up onto the bench and before we knew it, the doctor walked in. She asked some general questions about how my pregnancy has been since the last time I came for a check up. I was really glad I got such a cool and chill doctor, she was super nice and always made jokes to make me feel better during examinations.

"ok, I'm going to put the gel on, it's going to be a bit cold." she warned like she did every time. "I've got it doc, let's just get to the good stuff." I exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear as she squeezed the gel onto my tummy. She laughed at my excitement and I squeezed Damiens hand lightly in anticipation. She chucked lightly at my excitement, it sounded as though I was a kid on Christmas. She moved the ultrasound wand (?) around my tummy, pointing out the parts of the body which only further added to my excitement. "and there are the toes, they have all 10 which is a great sigh." she looked over at me, knowing the excitement was building more and more as time carried on. "are you ready to know the gender of your baby?" she asked to which damien and I nodded emphatically in response. "congratulations Miss. Miller and Mr. Haas, you're having a baby girl!"

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